Plastic surgery does have a special attraction for the celebrities in Hollywood and even worldwide. This hypothesis can be proved from so may celebrities especially in Hollywood and Asian reportedly got this beauty enhancement surgery.
There are many stories from celebrities who reportedly got plastic surgery procedures. Some celebrity may get a lot of benefits from their efforts, but not a few of them have experienced nightmare after being under knife.
Through this post we will share to you some pictures of plastic surgery gone wrong which are taken from celebrities’ experience. We do not have any intention to share the disgrace, but we would like to inform you that not all plastic surgery procedures end well like our expectation. The most important thing that you should note is that plastic surgery only gives two possibilities, best and worse. So, which one do you choose?
10 Pictures of Celebrity Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong
The following is the list of celebrities who reportedly got botched plastic surgery based on the reviews from celebrity watchers and plastic surgery experts. Let’s take a look one by one.

Jocelyn Wildenstein Plastic Surgery Pictures
Some people may not be strange anymore with the words “cat woman”. Yeah, she is Jocelyn Wildenstein. She reportedly wanted to change her appearance like a wild cat via reconstructive surgery. But unfortunately, what she did seems to be a boomerang for her because she reportedly does not feel comfortable with her surgery results.
Based on some sources which we’ve read, she had spent more than US$4 million for multiple browplasty surgeries, cheek and chin augmentation, facelifts or best known as rhytidectomy , nose job, excessive filler injection like collagen, blepharoplasty, and many other surgical procedures. As result we can see on the pictures above.
For more detail stories, read also how Jocelyn Wildenstein could be so careless by having some plastic surgery procedures done for her ambition.
Michael Jackson Plastic Surgery

Michael Jackson Plastic Surgery Photos
Who does not know with the king of pop singer, Michael Jackson. Everyone knows that he had been under knife to make his appearance look more masculine and different than he used to. However, instead of having good appearance, he even looks worse and even some people consider that he looks horrible after getting some works done.
According to some plastic surgery experts’ reviews, he had got multiple and excessive plastic surgery procedures as it was revealed by Dr. Wallace Goodstein.
“He came in approximately every two months. It was about 10 to 12 surgeries in two years..”
“Jackson had multiple nose jobs, cheek implants and he had a cleft put in his chin. He had eyelid surgery …
“…. Jackson underwent operations that he never should have: “He had so many things that were inappropriate.”
Whatever kind of cosmetic surgery procedures which everyone has if they are done excessively, then the results will also be excessive.
Read also inside stories of Michael Jackson’s physical transformation to get more how he could get so many excessive plastic surgery procedures done.

Amanda Lepore Plastic Surgery Photos
Some people may not know well who Amanda Lepore is. She is an American model, nightlife, and fashion icon. She is also well known as performance artist, recording artist, and transgender public figure.
Since Amanda Lepore’s appearance changed too much, some plastic surgery experts say that she has gone too far with her surgery procedures. They think that she was too ambitious to change her appearance from male into female. As results, her appearance now looks horrifying as we can see in the picture above.
Some plastic surgeons estimate that she had multiple nose job, breast augmentations, browlift, brow bone reduction, hip implants, and lips filler injection.

Pete Burns Plastic Surgery Pictures
Changing appearance via plastic surgery is indeed everyone’s right. but if his or her appearance looks weird and even horrible after being under knife, it seems to be reasonable if some people mock him or her as it was experienced by Pete Burns.
Some people firstly mocked his horrible appearance after getting some works done. But after knowing the truth if he became a victim of unprofessional plastic surgeon, they begin to be empathy to him. Even they support him to sue his surgeon for his unprofessional works.
Based on some data that we have collected, Pete Burns got multiple and excessive lip Injections, rhinoplasty surgery, cheek implants, and many other surgical procedures unrevealed.

Donatella Versace Plastic Surgery Photos
There are many people shocked when they know Donatella Versace transformation. They do not believe and wonder how she can be so careless in enhancing her appearance through plastic surgery. Whereas she herself is known as a famous fashion designer who emphasizes on the beauty.
According to many plastic surgeons, Donatella Versace’s horrible appearance was caused by plastic surgery procedures which were done excessively. Some plastic surgery experts believe that she got multiple facelift, too much lips filler injection like collagen, excessive nose job, and breast augmentation. As result, her appearance does not look better, but it even looks weird and sometimes horrible.

Daryl Hannah Plastic Surgery Photos
There are many pros and cons dealing with Daryl Hannah’s appearance after being under knife. Some people say that her appearance looks a bit weird after having some cosmetic surgery procedures done. However, some her fans argue that her appearance still looks natural. Which one is the true?
Judging by the before and after photos supported with some reviews of plastic surgeons, she could have some cosmetic surgery procedures done excessively. Daryl Hannah plastic surgery procedures were believed including facelift, forehead lift, and fillers injection on the cheeks and her lips.

Dolly Parton Plastic Surgery Photos
Many people consider that she is “Queen of Plastic Surgery”. Their allegation is all based on because so many plastic surgery procedures which she had got.
According to plastic surgery experts, she must have have multiple cosmetic surgery procedures such as breast implants, forehead lift, fat grafting, eyelid surgery, and nose job. They also predict that she could have more than one facelift and botox injection. As result, her appearance looks a bit overdone.

Joan Rivers Plastic Surgery Pictures
Many people are shocked when they found Joan Rivers with a bit weird appearance. They were firstly in doubt if her different appearance is caused by plastic surgery because of her incredibly vocal against plastic surgery. She even wrote a book entitled “Men Are Stupid . . . And They Like Big breasts: A Woman’s Guide to Beauty Through Plastic Surgery”.
However, some people begin to doubt her natural appearance after they saw her appearance which looks much different than she used to. Moreover, some plastic surgeons believe if she could have some works done for her appearance, unluckily most of her surgery procedures were overdone.
Some plastic surgeons predict that Joan Rivers cosmetic surgery procedures are including forehead lift, eyelid surgery, twice facelift, nose job, jaw implants, lipoplasty which is best known as liposuction, breast augmentation, and excessive Botox injection.

Janice Dickinson Plastic Surgery Pictures
The other celebrity who shocked many people is Janice Dickinson. Some people previously did not believe if she had got plastic surgery. But after knowing some reviews of plastic surgery experts, they feel cheated by her. It is all because she ever became judge of America’s Next Top Model in which she gave comments to the contestants’ appearance. They think it seems to be implausible because her own appearance was made by plastic surgeons.
Based on some analysis of plastic surgery experts, the former of model could have got breast augmentation, tummy tuck, fat modelling, neck lift, and facelift combined with too much Botox injection.

Melanie Griffith Plastic Surgery Photos
The other celebrity plastic surgery that reaps pros and cons is Melanie Griffith. There are many disputes dealing with the results of her beauty enhancement surgeries.Some people notice that her appearance now looks weird as if she had got plastic surgery gone wrong.
On the contrary, not a few of her fans believe if the actress still appears natural. They think that she does not look to go overboard with her surgery procedures. So what are Melanie Griffith surgery procedures?
According to some plastic surgeons’ analysis, she could have got brow lift, eyelid surgery, cheek implants, and multiple face lift.
In short, Those are some pictures of plastic surgery gone wrong. We hope that we can learn a lot from 10 worst plastic surgery above before we decide to be under knife.