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Before and After Photos

Age difference is not a matter to loving couple. Even 13 is just a number. American actress, Courteney Cox was celebrating her 50th birthday last June. She celebrated it with her bride, Johnny McDaid, the Snow Patrol band member. Love is blind, a quote said. Based on that quote, it means a couple will love each other on whatever they look or whatever they are.

Courteney Cox Before and After Photos

Courteney Cox Before and After Photos

The rumors of Courteney Cox Plastic Surgery are spreading widely and making public opinion on her insecurities with her age. People saw many differences on her cheek, nose, lips, and face and believe that the Cougar Town star has improved her looks to keep up with her younger bride.

Courteney Cox Breast Implants Before and After

Courteney Cox Breast Implants Before and After

It is not secret anymore if Courteney Cox previously had a sunken cheek that makes her face looks really skinny and people might think she was sick. But when she was directing her newest film, Hello I Must Be Going, her face looks more puffy and fresher than before. If she gains weight, her body should be bigger too. But it does not. She has admitted that she would not get many Botox injections. It means that there is a possibility for her to have cosmetic surgery procedure.

Looking at her face, we really convinced that it is the result of Botox injection. Her face becomes free from any lines and wrinkles. Her lips also look fuller, much fuller for her face. Standing next to 37 years old bride would not be a problem. They both will look young. People started to notice her breast changing after she split up with her husband, David Arquette. Maybe she needs some support to get back her confidence by seeing a plastic surgeon for breast implants. Her breast now becomes bigger and rounder than before as if it hides the fact that her age has been half century already.

Courteney Cox Plastic Surgery Before and After

Courteney Cox Plastic Surgery Before and After

In addition, some people also notice that her nose shape has changed to be slimmer and well defined than before. They predict that Courteney has possibly got nose job to refine her wide and bit round nose shape. Nevertheless, some people judge that all her surgical procedures have made her look more gorgeous and beautiful, and they hope that she will stop experimenting in enhancing her body. She has enough injection and people afraid it will ruin her face. And usually, celebrity who becomes addicted to plastic surgery will affect on their marriage. Hopefully her soul mate, Johnny, can courage her to be more confidence with herself and can have a happy life together, once again.

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There are many ways to enhance a woman’s beauty from traditional ways to modern one, even from safer procedure to dangerous one. Plastic surgery is such a modern way and it is not really safe thing to do because no matter what the result is, it will stay forever. But since it gives result in no time, many women did not think twice to go under the knife. Especially for them who work as a celebrity, a good appearance supports their career as what has been done by 50-year-old actress, Vivica Fox. She is still active and productive in film industry with her upcoming movie, Mercenaries, that still in process. Public believe that the actress has done some plastic surgery procedures like on her lips, forehead, nose, and breasts to keep looking good and fresh. But unfortunately her current breasts now looks unnatural even weird. What happen to it?

Vivica Fox Plastic Surgery Before and After

Vivica Fox Plastic Surgery Before and After

Many people get surprised to know that Vivica Fox’s age is 50 years old. Her forehead is free from any lines and even not any single wrinkle appears on her face. Public have accused her to do some Botox injection to fight against the aging process. Because only by injecting some neurotoxin into someone’s face can paralyze the muscles and makes the skin tighter. Dermal filler is also added on the suspicion to give the face volume back. This could be Juvederm or Restylane, since both type are the most common substance to be used by celebrities. Her nose is also suspected as a rhinoplasty surgery result. Comparing the old photo of her with the recent one, her nose seems smaller than before with more defined nasal tip. Her lips also look fuller than before. This only can be happened with some help from filler injected to her lips, called as lips augmentation.

Vivica Fox Breast Implants Before and After

Vivica Fox Breast Implants Before and After

The previous suspected cosmetic surgery procedures reportedly have given a good result. The Independence Day star’s face looks natural and nice. But it is not with her breasts. On some occasions, where she got a lot of pictures taken, we can see that there is something wrong on her breasts. It does not look natural, but a little bit squashed. People believe that Vivica Fox breast implants did not give the best result. Maybe she chose the non-expert surgeon.

There are not many things for Fox to do because people will always wonder and talk about her. Some will praise her face beauty, but a few of them will insult her chest. She can go to plastic surgeon one more time to fix her breast, but she has to choose the expert one in order to get the best result as she expected. Or she can remove the implant and be confident with herself. Whatever the choice that she makes, it is on her own hand.

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There is not any celebrity who can escape from public accusation of having plastic surgery. No matter what ther occupation (actor, actress, singer, model, even news and reality host) is, they get their own portion on public eyes. Public believes that in order to make their fame always increase, those celebrities will do many things to maintain their looks to keep getting the offer. Nothing is impossible when you have much money. And the famous reality host, Oprah Winfrey, has both of them. She is crowned as one of the Most Powerful Woman by various magazine and her salary on 2013 has reached more than $75 million. Her famous reality, The Oprah Winfrey Show has received many awards and such a big money source. With these powerful backgrounds, she reportedly would not got the difficulties to get plastic surgery procedures to maintain and improve her appearance.

Did Oprah Winfrey Have Plastic Surgery?

Oprah Winfrey Plastic Surgery Before and After

Oprah Winfrey Plastic Surgery Before and After

There are many people will never doubt her fame and wealth anymore, but most of them begin to doubt her natural appearance since there are many pictures comparison that related her with some surgical procedures like nose job, chin surgery, and breast implants.

Many people insist that, based on before and after photos uploaded on internet, they saw a difference on her nose on the beginning of her career compared to her current nose shape. It has to be noted that her nose shape previously looked wide and round, but it now has turned into narrower and thinner. Therefore some people predict that Oprah Winfrey nose job rumor is in fact true.

Oprah Winfrey Breast Implants Before and After

Oprah Winfrey Breast Implants Before and After

When this rumor was questioned by some some magazine and tabloid volunteers to her, she was very angry. She denied it and ignored them off. She insisted that there is not any photo to compare with, even a photo can not be reliable. It can be easily manipulated now, with the help of sophisticated camera and photo editor programs.

Nevertheless there are not quite enough photos to be compared that show plastic surgery facts, but some people do believe that this famous hostess and actress apparently did not only have a rhinoplasty surgery. They think that she likely had got more than one surgery. Let’s take a look at her chin, cup size, and body shape. Three of the parts of her body show that they have changed drastically. Looking at her transformation, some do believe that she possibly got other surgical procedures like liposuction to make her body look slimmer, chin surgery to reshape her chin, and then breasts implant to give her charming impression with bigger and fuller cup size.

Since there have been so many murmured that advocate her, the 60-year-old billionaire has officially stated that she is against any plastic surgeries. She ensured that she did not have any reason to do such a thing. She had the best crew ever, and if she needed to do some work on her face, she would get it through some good preparation of lighting and make up. She added that she was also busy taking care of her works as the chairwoman, CEO, and CCO of Oprah Winfrey Network. So there was no time for her to take any cosmetic surgery done.

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It is so natural that as human beings always will never feel satisfied enough to what they have got. They will do something more and more to fulfill their passion. The same thing apparently happens to senior actress, Elizabeth McGovern.

Being active in film industry since 1979 has made her famous. She has been staring many movies and television series, and then she has been absolutely nominated for many award categories. With all her glorious career, she likely still wants something more.

She seems to dream to have youthful appearance in the age of 53. For those who pay attention to her career and life will guess that this senior actress has possibly got plastic surgery procedures to keep her youthful and gorgeous appearance. It is very unusual for 50-year-old-women not to have some aging signs on their face if they do not have some works done. And what we see on Elizabeth’s face appearance, it really reflects some surgical procedure results.

Did Elizabeth McGovern Have Plastic Surgery?

Elizabeth McGovern Plastic Surgery Before and After

Elizabeth McGovern Plastic Surgery Before and After

Since this rumor has become a hot topic discussion among celebrity plastic surgery viewers, there have not been any official clarifications from the actress. She just keeps silent with the rumor. Nevertheless people who pay attention her career and appearance time by time do believe if she has got some cosmetic surgery procedures to refine the parts of her body which has started showing some aging signs there. Public suspicions are based on the unusual look on her forehead, lips, and eyes.

Comparing before and after photos, there are many differences spotted, like her wrinkles and forehead lines that have gone. looking at her current face skin, public believe it must be the effect of facelift combined with dermal injection like Botox. as the result, her skin looks so tight and smooth even though it apparently does not suit to her age. as an old woman, her face should have a sagging skin under her lower eyes, but they all are not visible. An eye lift is also suspected behind the secret of this.

Elizabeth McGovern Before and After Photos

Elizabeth McGovern Before and After Photos

Nevertheless there have been signs referring to the result of cosmetic surgery on her appearance, but a few people could not believe if she really has taken those beauty enhancements. Elizabeth McGovern plastic surgery seems like a stain in her talented career. Maybe her main role as Cora the Countess of Grantham in Downtown Abbey has affected her to keep a fresh look. And to achieve it she decided to see the plastic surgeon. If this reason was true, they really regret to what she had decided because she may forget that a character in a movie can not live forever.

The most interesting thing is that the actress has not confirm any public’s suspicions but she frankly declared that she was against a plastic surgery and questioning why many people had to do such a thing to her.

Well, that was a long time ago, people can change do to changing time and environment. Maybe she really needs a surgery to help her keep exist in the industry. As we know that the longer someone works there, they will get attached and hard to let go or escape.

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To work in entertainment industry needs a big confidence to show up in front of public. For mostly women, having a great appearance will give them more confidence. if they are not satisfied with their natural appearance, they will do many ways to enhance it. One of the common ways is plastic surgery as it was done by 35 years old model and TV star, Holly Madison. She reportedly got some surgical procedures to keep and enhance her appearance in order to keep survive in entertainment industry.

Did Holly Madison Have Plastic Surgery?

Holly Madison Breast Augmentation Before and After

Holly Madison Breast Augmentation Before and After

The puberty did not strike well on the Hugh Hefner’s ex-girlfriend. her breasts were first to grow among her friends but then it stopped before their friends start growing any. Her small breasts did not suit to her butt. She started to compare herself with many other hot girls and it affected to her relationship with the founder of the Playboy magazines. Therefore she decided to see plastic surgeon for breast augmentation. As the result, we can see on Holly Madison’s breast size. It looks much bigger and fuller than before. Looking at her new cup size, some people think that she could have taken a lot of advantages from her plastic surgeon’s work because her new breasts really give her more confidence to continue her career as a gorgeous model.

Holly Madison Plastic Surgery Before and After

Holly Madison Plastic Surgery Before and After

On the other hand, Holly apparently did not feel satisfied with is her wide and round nose shape. She always thought her nose looked really big in her photos. Hence she made a brave decision to take other cosmetic surgery procedure, rhinoplasty surgery, to reshape her nose. After lying under the doctor’s knife, it seems to be smaller, with pinched tip.

When she was questioned about the possibilities to have some works done for her transformation, breast and nose, she openly admitted that she has indeed been under plastic surgeon’s knife for such changes on the parts of her body. However, it seems to be contradiction to her previous statements which stated that she was against any other surgery than she already had. She thought doing a Botox was not a good solution, it will look like putting a rubber mask on. But she would change her mind if she had a kid. And since she has a daughter already, the suspicion came up. As she growing old, people believe she will do a Botox and lips augmentation.

In short, whatever she had done to make her appearance look more attractive, we really appreciate for her great surgery result. Nevertheless we also recommend her to take care of her new appearance in order that what she had done will not ruin her appearance in someday. However, if someone says a fake beauty give more confidence, the woman who married in Disneyland with Pasquella Rotella in 2011 has the answer for it. She said that a true beauty lies inside, what appears on your looks does not define someone, but just the way to help us to get what we want.

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Katherine Von Drachenberg or known as Kat von D is a young talented American tattoo artist. She became more popular after made her own reality show, LA Ink, which last for four seasons. And the risk of being famous is that many people will notice if there are some changes on their appearance as well as on Kat’s appearance.

Did Kat Von D Have Plastic Surgery?

Kat Von D Nose Job Before and After

Kat Von D Nose Job Before and After

Since many people found something changed on her appearance, she reportedly got some surgical procedures like botox injection, eyebrow surgery, rhinoplasty, lips injection and recently breast implants. Even in her 32-year-old-age, she still could not escape from being accused for having plastic surgery. She started her career when she was still young and her appearance started to change dramatically. Therefore some people believe that Kat Von D cosmetic surgery is in fact true.

Little reviews of her appearance in her early career, she had not much tattoos on her body and had a wide nose. But now her body is covered with tattoos. It seems to be reasonable because she works as a tattoo artist. But what about her her nose shape change? Some people notice that her nose now becomes slimmer hence they believe that she could have got nose job to refine her wide nose shape.

Kat Von D Breast Implants Before and After

Kat Von D Breast Implants Before and After

Judging by before and after photos, people also notice the difference on her lips. She can not smile symetrically and her lips also become much fuller. That makes people wonder if she may get lip augmentation. Meanwhile her eyebrow seems to look tighter and higher and her forehead is free from any frown lines. These are indication of an eyebrow lift combined with Botox injection.

Plastic surgery suspicions do not stop on her face only, but lately many people notice her breasts becomes much bigger than she used to. Some of them believe that it is just the effect of her gaining weight, but a few of them believe that it is the result of breasts implant. On a picture, one of her breast is higher than the other and there is a video on youtube of her doing a breast augmentation consultation with a plastic surgeon.

In short, since she has been reported to have some works done for some her appearance changes, the artist has not given any official statement except denied all the rumors even though there are a lot of differences on her old and recent appearance. Is it possible if they are just the effect of a skillful makeup instead, along with good lighting and view angle? Or is she just aging naturally? You can decide by yourself by looking at her before and after photos above.

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Many things can fasten someone aging process. Bad lifestyle, unhealthy eating behaviour, smoking, or getting too much sun rays can easily trigger the aging signs. Being busy with too many activities and stress can also lead to fasten the aging process and make the wrinkles appear easily. Those all are possible causes that make people look older than their current age, and it seems to be the reason why Rachel Zoe Rosenzweig, or commonly known as Rachel Zoe, reportedly got plastic surgery procedures.

Did Rachel Zoe Have Plastic Surgery?

Rachel Zoe Plastic Surgery Before and After

Rachel Zoe Plastic Surgery Before and After

Running her business really takes the 43 years old woman’s energy. She has to take care of her daily newspaper, business report, and her reality show schedule. As we know that she is not only best known as a successful actress, but she is also best known as a successful business woman, designer, with many products in hundreds department stores. With her dense preoccupations, she has to put all of her effort, energy, and time to gain the best result. Therefore it is no wonder if she has a lot of wrinkles on her face and many lines on her forehead that make her look really old. But then, she starts to show a new look with fresh and smooth face skin. Looking at her current appearance makes some people believe that her dense preoccupations have influenced her to go under the knife. With her appearances now, some people predict that Rachel could have been under knife for Botox injection, eye lift, brow lift, and facelift.

As we know that the use of cosmetic surgery procedures like Botox injection can eliminate some aging signs like wrinkles on the forehead. And it seems to inspire Zoe to take that filler injection to bring back her youthful face appearance. However, it has to be noted that having injection on the face skin will not give perfect result if it is not followed by using laser resurfacing. Looking at Rachel’s new appearance, some believe that she got laser treatment to perfect her surgical procedure, Botox Injection.

Rachel Zoe Before and After Photos

Rachel Zoe Before and After Photos

On the other hand, her tired eyes also have gone since the saggy skin under her lower eyes dissapear. A mini-facelift combined with eye lift and brow lift could be the main cause why her face skin around the eyes area look tight and free from saggy skin.

Nevertheless a few her fans still wonder why a top stylist, Rachel Zoe, needs to do plastic surgery. They think that she should not take any cosmetic surgery procedures for being a beautiful and attractive woman. They worry if Rachel Zoe plastic surgery can make her look worst if she does not have regular treatments.

On the contrary, many plastic surgeons praise her new appearances. They said that her surgery procedures were done very well since she now looks natural and does not look like a walking plastic doll. They only hope that Zoe can maintain her new look by avoiding anything that could ruin the result like smoking or alcohol.

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It is so common to see many celebrities changing appearances. As they growing old, the sign of aging starts to appear . It may be common for us if some celebrities previously are seen with wrinkles or forehead lines, but they suddenly start to appear with new look and become much younger.

Some of them openly admit having plastic surgery to get their new look. However, not a few of them deny it. That makes people always wonder and start to compare their old and recent photos to find proof or evidence whether a current actress, actor, singer, model or many others have been under plastic surgeon’s knife or they indeed age naturally without any surgical procedures done. But what if there is not any photo to be compared? Does it mean that they really did not take any surgery or they just hide it really well?

Madeleine Stowe Plastic Surgery Before and After

Madeleine Stowe Plastic Surgery Before and After

Today, there are a lot of people are talking about Madeleine Stowe plastic surgery. She reportedly got some works done to maintain her youthful appearance. Their allegations are based on the comparison between before and after pictures.

Did Madeleine Stowe Have Plastic Surgery?

A 58 year old American actress, Madeleine Stowe, is now being a hot topic discussion among her fans and celebrity plastic surgery viewers. They think that this actress possibly has got some works done, at least a Botox injection and lip augmentation, to maintain her youthful look.

At her age, nobody sees any wrinkles on her face. Her forehead still looks so smooth and tight. Therefore some people predict that she could have a Botox injection to make her face skin smooth. Their suspicions are based on her before and after photos comparison.

After viewing Madeleine Stowe before and after pictures, in fact she does not only have fresh skin but public found a little difference on her lips which looks fuller and plump. The possible explanation for Madeleine’s lips is a lips augmentation.

Madeleine Stowe Before and After Photos

Madeleine Stowe Before and After Photos

Being accused of having plastic surgery makes the winner of Best Ensemble Cast on Golden Globe Award release an official explanation whether she has been really under knife or not. She said that she did not take any cosmetic surgery procedures to make her appearance younger than her real age. She told that the secret of her youthful look is by having a healthy lifestyle like drinking much water, having enough sleep, preventing herself from the direct sun shine for too long, and having facial treatment regularly. She also told that she had done exercises too, but not too hard since she believed that overexercise could fasten the aging process.

In short, if what she said is true, it can be a good thing for other people to follow. It can open people’s eyes that there is a simple way to maintain beauty and it is not always with plastic surgery. Whatever Stowe’s secret is, her youthful and fresh appearance is amazing. With her new appearance, she could keep continuing her career for much longer.

Well, if the rumor of Madeleine Stowe plastic surgery is true, we can learn many things from her beauty enhancement surgeries. And we believe if they are very useful for us before deciding to get some plastic surgery procedures.

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Every woman is beautiful, but some of them do not feel confident and comfortable enough, especially for those who work in entertainment industry like actors, actresses, and other public figures. They tend to enhance their beauty, no matter how. The easiest and fastest way to do it is through plastic surgery. Sometimes it gives the best result but sometimes it does not. And sometime, even if the beauty is already enhanced, does not make them stop doing the next surgery.

Aubrey O'Day Plastic Surgery Before and After

Aubrey O’Day Plastic Surgery Before and After

Usually, a plastic surgery only work for a certain body part. And if someone wants to enhance their other body parts, they have to do more surgeries. And that is what happened to young singer and actress, Aubrey O’day. People who follow her career growth will notice that she has changed a lot. When she posted some of her selfie photos lately, it makes her looks like to have more ‘plump’ on both top and bottom. The newest photo shows her back side that make people wonder if the singer wants to show a new butt. She also has been accused of having a plastic surgery on her breasts, nose, lips, face, and stomach.

Aubrey O'Day Breast Implants Before and After

Aubrey O’Day Breast Implants Before and After

Comparing her breasts from her old picture with the current one, the cup size seems increases. People do not believe that at her age her breast can increase instantly. They are sure if her new cup size is as the product of breast implants. On the other hand, if we pay attention to her face appearance, she likely has got some facial surgery, like lips augmentation and cheek filler injection. The signs of her surgical procedures on her face can be seen from her lips and cheeks that have become much fuller than before. Her nose also looks thinner than before. From wide to thin nose shape is only able to be obtained through a rhinoplasthy surgery. And with the newest selfie photo of her back, she must be just done a butt augmentation. There is also a rumour that she has done a liposuction because some people saw a small scar on her stomach.

Unfortunately, the 30 years old singer has not officially admitted if she really gone under the knife for her butt. It is more important to think about how to stop. She already has a gorgeous body, no matter if they are real or fake. Because many celebrities became addicted to plastic surgery and have it overdid. Not long enough it will ruin their beauty instead of enhancing their look.

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A true queen is someone who has the ability to maintain her power till decades. In music industry, we have Cher, the queen of pop. Her career as a singer is reaching more than 50 years now. Her long life journey has made her into an eccentric woman. She likes to wear various costumes and wigs. In her 66, her fashion style is going well with her looks.

Cher Plastic Surgery Before and After

Cher Plastic Surgery Before and After

The woman who was born with Cherilyn Sarkisian name has stated that she hate being aged. She does not get as many job call as she used to, so she has to maintain a fresh look if she wants to keep survive and exist in music industry. Many people believe that she went for some plastic surgery procedures to make her dream come true. When some people compare before and after photos, they notice that there are something look unnatural on her eyes, brows, lips, nose, and face.

Cher Plastic Surgery Before and After Photos

Cher Plastic Surgery Before and After Photos

The mother of Chez Bono does not look like having any wrinkles but her face skin is still tight like a young woman. She is also free from any forehead lines. These are indication of facelift surgery combined with Botox injection are as the main reason why she can look in such way though her age has crossed 66 years old. Nevertheless they think that all Cher Plastic Surgery procedures were well done because the result does not look like come from any beauty enhancement surgery.

On the other hand, based on before and after photos above, her brows seems to be a bit high and lifted than before. It must be the effect of brow lift surgery. As we now that forehead lift surgery can fix dropping skin and any aging signs to look better. People can also see the changes on her lips and nose. Her wrinkles-free eyes must be the result of having blepharoplasthy or eyelid surgery. And only by doing a rhinoplasthy surgery has made her nose became smaller and narrower with a refined nasal tip.

The woman who loves to dress up definitely does not have any problem with her appearance. She said that she likes to make other people happy with her appearances. She also has a high self confidence on everything she wears. And plastic surgery seems to have helped her so much to keep her beautiful appearance. That is one of thing that can not be easily found lately.

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