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It is such a common thing to do for a South Korean to do plastic surgery. It is even became a trend popularize by girlband and boyband idols there, seduced their fans to do the same thing. Many of the idols got the best result and became more beautiful, just like Yoon Eun Hye did. The 29 years talented woman had the great job on her nose, eyes, jaw, and breasts. Even if the idol has not said anything about the surgeries, but comparing the old photo of her with the recent one could be an evident to proof it.

Yoon Eun Hye Plastic Surgery Before and After

Yoon Eun Hye Plastic Surgery Before and After

As an Asian country, it is normal if the people in South Korea have squinty eyes. That is why the basic surgery taken by the people there is widen their eyes through an eyelid surgery. Yoon seemed like to have such procedure since her eyes became wider than before. She also used to have small and round nose. But after few times, it looks narrower and pointier. Only by going through a rhinoplasty can change nose shape drastically. Some people also accused the one of Princess Hours’ main cast having jaw surgery. Her jaw is considered to be more defined and sharper and before.

Yoon Eun Hye Breast Implants Before and After

Yoon Eun Hye Breast Implants Before and After

Last but not least, one surgery that made people believe as the result of going under the knife is her breasts. On her first appearance in music industry was as the youngest member of Baby V.O.X group. She was seen having A cup size. But as her career in drama series growing, so do her breasts. It seems to be grown to B size. That makes people wonder if she has put implant in her chest through breast implants surgery. It does not easily accepted by the public though, because many artists only going to do plastic surgery on their facial appearances.

Yoon has not said anything about her surgery allegations whether she accepted it or denied it. It does not really matter, her appearance looks natural. She got the proper portion so the surgeries result did not ruin her beauty. She also does not need any additional work on her face for now.

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Being a single parent makes some people think twice to spend their money, especially when they do not make a good income. They will think about their kids first and do not think about their appearance. So, when Nadya Suleman shows up with great body shape, some wonder if she has chosen to do plastic surgery over her children.

Nadya Suleman After Plastic Surgery

Nadya Suleman After Plastic Surgery

As we know, the 39 years old woman gives birth to octuplet, or eight children, in January 2009. She adds the number of her six previous children, which make her have fourteen children in total. When she was pregnant with her eight children, her stomach stretched really big and it should not be back to its original shape quickly.

Many people believe she has done a tummy tuck. And since she became famous because of her phenomenal child birth, her facial appearances start to be enhanced too. People pointed that her face, lips and nose have been touched by the doctor’s knife.

Nadya Suleman Plastic Surgery Before and After

Nadya Suleman Plastic Surgery Before and After

It is normal for women if their stomach stretched during pregnancy, it develop stretch mark and scar. The only way to eliminate the scar quickly is only by a surgery. It can be combined with tummy tuck, a way to remove the sagging skin on the stomach. Looking at Nadya’s belly button and her scar-free stomach has made people believe that she has been gone through such surgeries.

Being a public attention maybe made Nadya realized that she has to take care of her facial appearance. Comparing her old photos during the pregnancies with the recent ones, we can see that her wide nose became narrower and pointier. It can be the effect of rhinoplasty surgery. Her lips also look full and fresh, might be the result of lips injection. She also does not look age or stressed, a facelift could help to maintain her fresh look.

All these surgeries allegations made people wonder if Nadya has neglected her children since she is unemployed and does not have a constant income. She denied it and said that it was her hard work in gym and doing some diets.

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A truly loving family is where the parents look out for their daughter, especially when she is still teenager. Look out means to figure things out together and not giving the all decision to the daughter only, moreover when the girl is still under 18. Courtney Stodden was just 16 when she got a full chance to make her own decision to be married with 51 years old actor, Doug Hutchison. Her parents have thought that Courtney can make her own decision. And she chose to do the marriage which only be failed after two and half years. The 34 years gap between them is the main cause of their divorce.

After making such controversial by marrying much older man, the 19 years old Courtney made the next controversial lines by doing plastic surgery. She has admitted that she has got breast augmentation and lip injection. Her hair also got an extension and skin tanning.

Courtney Stodden Breast Implants Before and After

Courtney Stodden Breast Implants Before and After

Still using the same reason, the television personality chose to get breast implants because she wanted to have bigger breasts size. The first breast augmentation surgery did not give the best result, so she went for the second surgery. Her lips became much fuller than before, it was all caused by lips augmentation. She was also getting expensive hair extension and tanned her skin into a darker tone.

Courtney Stodden Plastic Surgery Before and After

Courtney Stodden Plastic Surgery Before and After

Divorcing with her husband has apparently made her down so that she needs some motivation and support to give Courtney a new energy to explore her body. Doug prefers Courtney’s natural beauty, even they fought about it. Her ex-husband dislike on her cosmetic surgery result because it just made her look unnatural.

In short, public noticed that Courtney Stodden at least has three controversies during her career in entertainment industry. Firstly, her marriage decision with much older man. Secondly, her ways to get instant popularity through her controversy marriage, the last is plastic surgery procedures that are aimed to expose her appearance. Even Though many people really regret to what she had done, cosmetic surgery, but she is happy with her current looks. Nevertheless some people remind her that she has to know when to stop doing unnecessary thing to her body or she will end up being a ridicule public object.

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Losing a beauty on face or body is the scariest thing of being old. The sign of aging process is usually noticed through the appearance of wrinkles and forehead line on the face. What if those signs are not visible on 50-year-old men and women’s face? Is it normal?

Katherine Kelly Lang Plastic Surgery Before and After

Katherine Kelly Lang Plastic Surgery Before and After

Katherine Kelly Lang, in her age of 52, still has a marvelous looks. Her face is age-less, there is not any significant difference with her picture compared to one when she was in her young age. Her body looks fit and is still in good shape. What is her secret? She boasts that she is against plastic surgery, but her appearance says the opposite. Since there is not any official statement of her whether she has got plastic surgery or not, some people found that it rarely happens to the women in her age if they do not have some works done.

Katherine Kelly Lang Before and After Photos

Katherine Kelly Lang Before and After Photos

Every woman yearns to maintain a good appearance. If they could, they want to have it forever. And for the twice Hottest Female Star in Soap Opera Digest Award winner, it is on her track. She admits that she was nervous when her age was coming to 50; maybe she is afraid if she will look old. But till her age now, there is not any photo of Katherine with forehead lines or wrinkles.

Many people believe that Katherine Kelly Lang plastic surgery is done due to her ageless appearance. But since she said nothing about this beauty enhancement surgery, could it be the effect of doing a healthy lifestyle? The star has ever said that she had a triathlon every week. That means she does running, cycling, and swimming regularly. No wonder if she still has a great body shape. It is her body, how about her face?

To get a good and beautiful appearance, having plastic surgery procedures like facelift and Botox injection is such an easy and quick solution. But if there is another way that is healthier, saver, and better, why not? In the end, it is her right to keep quite about her journey under the knife, if she really did. But until she confirms it, many people will always speculate and believe on what they see on her.

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It is natural for women if they want to look beautiful. But what if men do too? Some of them do the same thing like women do to look good, that is plastic surgery. With the increasing number of the celebrity who has gone under the knife, after years, Clay Aiken plastic surgery also come to media. From the recent photos of him compared to the old ones, we can see that there are some differences on the American Idol star’s face. Is it really the effect of going under the knife or just the effect of his many activities?

Clay Aiken Jawline Surgery Before and After

Clay Aiken Jawline Surgery Before and After

Clay Aiken is known as the runner up on a singing contest, American Idol. Now he spreads his career as an actor, author, politician, and activist. For the latter, he donates his voice for many events and concerts. To support his activities, he needs to look good and fit. Like any other celebrity, he is accused for going under the knife. The procedure of Clay Aiken plastic surgery starts with his jaw, Jawline Surgery.

Clay Aiken Plastic Surgery Before and After

Clay Aiken Plastic Surgery Before and After

On the Tuesday’s Watch, he bravely admits that he has done a job to change his double chin into more rounds and balanced one. He did that because he is having an issue with Temporomandibular joint dysfunction or TMJ (a disorder leading to pain in the joint connecting our lower jaw and skull). But he also says that he asked the doctor to get the fat out of his chin at the same surgery. Another surgery suspicion is accused to him. Some people believe that he has done a nose job because they see a difference on his nose lately. His nose became straighter than before, but the star didn’t give any official statement about it like the previous jaw surgery.

So, seems like if someone does plastic surgery due to fix a disease or disorder, it could be well accepted and people barely talk about it. And because of the health reason rather than beauty enhancement, maybe that is the reason why the rumor about the star’s plastic surgery taking so long to come up and being noticed by many people.

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A faithful fan can show the progress of a celebrity. They can show how the celebrity looked like in the beginning of their career and how they look like now after producing a good career. They can notice if there are some differences on their favorite celebrity’s appearances.

Kerry Washington Nose Job Before and After

Kerry Washington Nose Job Before and After

This also happen to Kerry Washington, which blamed for having some plastic surgery procedures to her face. As she takes many roles in film industry for years, she became mature and more beautiful. Can you guess how many surgical procedures she has taken already? Or are you believe that her beauty is authentic as the effect of growing up in the film industry?

Kerry Washington Plastic Surgery Before and After

Kerry Washington Plastic Surgery Before and After

Kerry starts her career since mid 90s in both television and movies. She amazed the public with her role as Olivia Pope on ‘Scandal’ was being nominated for Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding lead Actress in a Drama Series. To keep supporting her career, of course she needs to take care of her appearance. Good appearance attracts many job offers. As the impact, many accusations go to her for having such beauty treatments.

Comparing before and after photos, Kerry Washington plastic surgery looks like including nose job, eyelid surgery, cheek augmentation, Botox, and lips injection. When she was starting her career, her nose looked big and wide. But now it looks slimmer and narrow. Her eyes also looks lifted now compared to then. And plumpy cheek she is having now is indicator of using filler, it could be Juvederm or Sculptra or Restylane. And if someone gets refine cheekbone like hers, only a plastic surgeon can help to get it. At the age of 37, there is not any wrinkles appear on the forehead of the ‘Django Unchained’ actress, which is many people and surgeon said that it is the result of having a Botox injection. It makes the skin tighter and smoother and hides wrinkles.

In the end, even if Kerry hasn’t admitted any of her surgery, her surgeries are such a good work. She gets the injection in enough portions, not too much or too little. That makes people barely see her trace of having plastic surgery. With her great looks from the surgeries she had, she doesn’t need any additional work for now.

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There is not any term ‘old’ to stop producing a good career. Diane Keaton, known as an actress since early 1970s, is still starring in film industry until now. At the age 68, her shining career has earned her several awards. Her major award was ‘Best Actress’ by Academy Award from ‘Annie Hail’ movie. Her career is still smooth just like her face. There are just little wrinkles and sagging skin on her face, did she ever scare of being old? Did she ever take a plastic surgery to hide her aging skin? Let’s see what she says about it.

Diane Keaton Nose Job Before and After

Diane Keaton Nose Job Before and After

Diane Keaton is not only an actress, but also a screenwriter, producer, and writer. Her newest memoir is ‘Let’s Just Say It Wasn’t Pretty’. She shared her mind about aging there. She believed that wrinkles and sagging skin are proof of someone’s battle. Someone has managed to live so far and so long, leaving a scar on the face. Diane feels so proud to wear it instead of hide it. She never has any intention to do plastic surgery because that is not something she grew up with.

Diane Keaton Plastic Surgery Before and After

Diane Keaton Plastic Surgery Before and After

Having a plastic surgery is not real-self or fake. When she looks in the mirror and an intention to fix those wrinkles come, she convinces herself that she is too old to do some cosmetic surgery procedures. She believes that to keep looking good in the movie, she doesn’t need to do something permanent to her face. She still believes to the power of make up and lighting. But all of her opinion can’t keep her from being accused of having an aesthetic surgery.

The plastic surgery she probably did is facelift and nose job. Diane almost 70, but her skin still so tight and the color is stretched naturally. Some plastic surgeons believe that it is the result of having a facelift. And when people compared to old photo of her with the recent ones, there are some difference on her nose. Her nose became pinched and thinner. Diane admits that she has ever got a treatment to reshape her nose, but not with a surgical procedure, nose job, only a clothespin. She also writes that on her memoir.

Diane has big expectation on her life. She can’t hide that she is aging, but she love it instead. Her saggy eyes just show the resemblance of her late father. So if she still looks so young at her old age, probably it because her big spirit lights up her life, and give her a youthful face.

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Being fat for some girls is a nightmare. It is easy to gain weight but it is a bit hard to loose some of it. When big-bodied Jennifer Hudson successfully transform into skinnier body and loose up to 80 pounds of her weight, people get really jealous. Since many people failed to do some diet or exercise, it makes them wonder if the ‘American Idol’ finalist took an instant way like plastic surgery to achieve her current body shape. Not only her body shape, but also her face became more beautiful. Her dent lip is gone. What is her secret to do such miracles? Let’s find out.

Jennifer Hudson Plastic Surgery Before and After

Jennifer Hudson Plastic Surgery Before and After

It was her big passion to loose some weight. She did some strict diet and stop consuming her favorite food, such as pizza, for years. But then she knows that doing it is not enough. When she didn’t win the singing contest, didn’t stop her to gain success. Her career as Weight Watch’s spokesperson helps her to get the body she always dreams. She does exercise everyday and the main challenge on gaining her body shape is maintaining the diet. If she falls of from the diet rules, her goal will be harder to achieve.

Jennifer Hudson Lips Augmentation Before and After

Jennifer Hudson Lips Augmentation Before and After

So how about her un-dent lips? If she has managed to minimize her size to 12 by exercise and diet, how did she do to demolish little dent on her lips? Jennifer admits that she goes to a doctor to do an injection but both of her and the doctor didn’t want to inject the dent, they like her lips as the way it is. But she was starring ‘Dreamgirls’ and the dent on her lips made bad lighting on her face. So she doesn’t have any choice except doing some surgical procedures like what we can see on Kenya Moore Plastic Surgery.

In the end, Jennifer Hudson plastic surgery is only on her lips. It is such a professional to change her appearance permanently in order to look good in the play. She is brave enough to admit her lips filler injection, while many other celebrities hide the truth that they have been gone under the knife. And her body transforming is such an inspiration, that to achieve something, we really need to work hard for it.

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Having a charming and attractive appearance is everybody’s dream. That makes people wonder how former Miss USA and ‘The Real Housewives of Atlanta’ TV show cast, Kenya Moore, achieved it. Many men idolize her body, even though she doesn’t have bright skin color.

Kenya Moore Nose Job Before and After

Kenya Moore Nose Job Before and After

Nowadays , she is being accused for doing some cosmetic surgery procedures to get her current body shape. Some of them can be proven by comparing the recent photos with the old ones, while the other is just a shocking story because there is not any evidence to prove it or it has been covered up.

Kenya Moore plastic surgery started with butt implants. In May, she tweeted that she went to Europe to get something done. People think it is related to her butt surgery. Unfortunately there was a problem with it. After doing a silicone implantation, it didn’t give best result because it didn’t get proper care. Kenya didn’t follow the instruction to make a proper sleep position after getting the butt implants because it makes her butt dent on one side.

In order to cover her dent on one side butt, every Kenya’s photo is edited by photo editor tools. So there is not any proof to show this butt accident. The next surgeries continued on her nose and lips. Her nose tip became more defined; it indicated that she possibly got nose job to refine her nose shape. Meanwhile her lips were injected with some filler so that her deep smile line became much blunt.

Kenya Moore Butt Implants Before and After

Kenya Moore Butt Implants Before and After

Last but not least, only one plastic surgery procedure that has been admitted by Kenya, it is a fibroid removal. She said that she is closer to her dream for having a kid as she posted in her twitter account. As we know that fibroid has a chance to hold up a woman to have a kid. To prevent it, Kenya decided to take a surgery to remove it. After recovering from the surgery, she will take an in vitro treatment as soon as possible, because she wants to have kid within a half year. She said that she did not need a man to married with, but just sperm to use. She is still hiding the name of the man who will donate the sperm, but there is a list of the father candidates. Her gay best friend, Miss Lawrence, and a mysterious man she is dating are included in the list.

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