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Plastic surgery apparently is not always dominated by celebrities now. The recent rumor says if a politician, Hillary Clinton, has had plastic surgery procedures so that her appearance can always look as attractive as she was a young. However, the type of Hillary Clinton plastic surgery is still being debated among celebrity plastic surgery experts.

Hillary Clinton Plastic Surgery Before and After

Hillary Clinton Plastic Surgery Before and After

Hillary Clinton Plastic Surgery Before and After Photos

Hillary Clinton herself is best known as a good and successful American politician. Her name began popular after being Bill Clinton’s wife and becomes more popular since she became one of the candidate U.S presidents. But unfortunately, she was not successful in general election.

Born on October 26th, 1947, Hillary’s appearance still looks wonderful for a 66-year-old woman. Her face does not show a lot of aging signs, but it still looks tight and smooth. Looking at her face appearance, some people predict that the politician could have multiple beauty surgeries such as facelift, Botox injection, eyelid surgery, injectable filler like Restylane, neck lift, chemical peel, and skin laser treatments.

The sign of Hillary Clinton facelift can be seen on her face skin which looks so tight as if she does not have any sagging skin around the face area. Whereas, other women in her age generally have some dropping skin as the natural process of aging. Besides appearing tight, her face skin also looks so smooth. It indicates that she potentially got facial filler injection like Botox.

Hillary Clinton Before and After Plastic Surgery

Hillary Clinton Before and After Plastic Surgery

There are many people think that Hillary Clinton plastic surgery is well done by her plastic surgeon so that she still looks fresh and always young though her age is no longer young. Facelift and Botox injection apparently have successfully rejuvenated her face skin.

Besides facelift and Botox injection, Hillary also reportedly got skin laser treatment to make her plastic surgery look perfect. This allegation can be seen from her face skin which always looks fresh and attractive for a 66-year-old lady. As we know that the use of skin laser treatment can get rid of the dead cells on her face.

Judging by the before and after photos, some people also believe if the wife of former of U.S president has had blepharoplasty surgery and neck lift. Public allegation is based on how her eyes and neck skin appear. Hillary’s eyes still looks fresh, wide opened, and awake as if it is hard to see the excessive skin around the eyelids area. While the allegation of neck lift can be seen on her neck skin which still looks as tight as her face skin. She does not have any wrinkles around the neck area.

In short, though she has not stated anything regarding plastic surgery rumor, but looking at her youthful appearance makes some people do believe if she had really been under knife. Fortunately, all of her surgical procedures were all well done by her plastic surgeons so that her appearance can still look good.

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Stephanie Powers’ actress career began since the 1960s, but her appearance does not change a lot. She still looks as attractive as she was young though her age is almost 72 years old. For that reason, many plastic surgeons predict that she might have got some cosmetic surgery procedures done to keep her ageless appearance. Is the rumor of Stephanie Powers plastic surgery true?

Stephanie Powers Before and After Photos

Stephanie Powers Before and After Photos

Stephanie Powers Plastic Surgery: Before and After Photos

Working so long in film industry, Stephanie Powers must have been staring many films and getting a lot of awards for her acting. However, her name is now being talked lately by some celebrity watchers due to her flawless appearance.

Stephanie may not be as popular as she was young, but her youthful appearance still becomes the interesting topic to be talked. There are many people wonder how she can manage her appearance at her 72-year-old age if she does not have any aids from a plastic surgeon.

Stephanie Powers Before and After Plastic Surgery

Stephanie Powers Before and After Plastic Surgery

Judging by Stephanie Powers before and after pictures, some plastic surgery experts predict that she possibly got some surgery procedures including facelift, necklift, and browlift as it was revealed by Dr Sherrell J Aston. The surgeon says” the 1960’s star seems to have got facelift, browlift, and possibly neck lift. But unfortunately, her appearance looks asymmetrical and considerably taut after getting those surgical procedures done. I expect her frozen and swollen face can come down so that she can appear more relaxed.”

Stephanie Powers Plastic Surgery Before and After

Stephanie Powers Plastic Surgery Before and After

However, the other surgeons claim that Stephanie may only have some facial filler injection to boost the previous cosmetic surgery procedures such as rhinoplasty surgery and Botox injection. She took nose job to narrow the tip of her nose while the use of Botox is aimed to keep her facial skin smooth.

According to a plastic surgeon based in Beverly Hills, Dr. Paul S. Nassif, Stephanie probably only had nose job. It can be seen from the tip of her nose now looks a bit less round than before. Besides nose surgery, the doctor also revealed that the 1960’s star may get filler and Botox injection as well to maintain the browlift surgery. Overall, Stephanie Powers plastic surgery is well done, so that her appearance still looks great though her age is no longer young.

Stephanie Powers Facelift Before and After

Stephanie Powers Facelift Before and After

On the other hand, Dr. David Shafer, Board certified Manhattan plastic surgeon, added that in some photos, Stephanie looks like to have facelift. The surgeon showed the sign of Stephanie Powers facelift by pointing the upward slanting neck creases. He also explained that taking facelift surgery would not enough if it was not supported with the use of facial filler injection like Botox to smoothen the face skin. Looking at Stephanie’s face skin, the surgeon believed if she could have Botox injection to reduce the wrinkles around her face especially on eyes and forehead area.

In short, all of plastic surgeons who analyze Stephanie’s appearance agree if Stephanie Powers plastic surgery is well done. As result, her appearance still looks wonderful and great for a 72-year-old woman.

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Heather Thomas has spent partially her age as an actress. As senior actress, she of course has been staring many films and television series. However, some people are now talking about the possibilities for her to get plastic surgery. It is all because her appearance which looks different than other women in her age.

Heather Thomas Plastic Surgery Before and After

Heather Thomas Plastic Surgery Before and After

Heather Thomas Plastic Surgery: Before and After Pictures

The rumor of Heather Thomas plastic surgery began spreading out to public when some people find her with unnatural change in her appearance. She still looks as attractive as she was young whereas her age herself is almost 58 years old. So, what type of surgical procedures did she have?

Judging by before and after photos, Heather Thomas likely has beauty enhancements on her nose. The shape of Heather’s nose now looks thinner and much better defined than before. Some people who look this improvement predict if the 58-year-old actress could have got nose job (rhinoplasty surgery) so that the shape of her nose can look in such way. Look at nasal bridge of her nose, it is narrowed.

Heather Thomas Before and After Photos

Heather Thomas Before and After Photos

The other sign of Heather Thomas plastic surgery is the possibilities for her to get an eyelid surgery. This allegation can be seen through how her eyes appear. She does have fresh and awake eyes as if it is hard to see the sagging skin around the eyelid. Commonly, 50-year-old women will have hanging eyes bag around their eyes as the sign of aging process, but what we see on Heather Thomas’s eyes, it still looks fresh and flattering.

Heather Thomas Before and After Plastic Surgery

Heather Thomas Before and After Plastic Surgery

On the other hand, if we look at her face skin, Thomas may also get facelift which is combined with facial filler injection. This speculation can be proven from how her facial skin appears. It is almost wrinkle-free, tight, and smooth. Her face does not show plenty of aging signs not like other women in her age do. The use of Botox injection seems to be the most possible for her to make her face smooth and fresh while facelift surgery is believed helping her to make her face look tight. Overall, her face now looks ageless and flawless.

What do you think? Does she get a lot of benefits from her plastic surgery procedures? Feel free to comment and share if you find this post interesting.

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There are many people are shocked when they know Emilio Estevez reportedly got some plastic surgery procedures. They wonder why he took such surgery procedures whereas the stars in his film themselves do not. As we know that Emilio himself has spent the time behind the camera rather than in front of it. For that reason, rumor of Emilio Estevez plastic surgery is lately being much used as headlines in many celebrity magazines especially the reason why he got a beauty enhancement surgery.

Emilio Estevez Plastic Surgery Before and After

Emilio Estevez Plastic Surgery Before and After

It is not denied anymore if Emilio was at his popularity in the 1980’s in which he got roles in many films as the handsome hero. However, it is just like a history because his appearance now looks a bit awkward. Even Dr. Anthony Youn noted that Emilio’s appearance now looks weird and unnatural. The surgeon predicts that he may have got some cosmetic surgery procedures done on his face, so that his appearance can look in such way.

Emilio Estevez Before and After Plastic Surgery

Emilio Estevez Before and After Plastic Surgery

Born on Mei 12, 1962, his appearance does not reflect as a 52-year-old man. His appearance looks younger than his real age. For that reason, many people and plastic surgeons believe if the film director has been under knife to maintain his youthful appearance. Many plastic surgery experts predict if Emilio Estevez plastic surgery procedures include eyelid surgery, brow lift, rhinoplasty surgery, and injectable filler on his cheek.

The sign of his eyelid surgery can be seen through his eyes which still looks fresh and it does not have any sagging skin. Emilio’s eyes still looks hollow. Meanwhile, the sign of his brow lift can be proven from his arched brow which gives him an extremely wide-eyed appearance.

Emilio Estevez Plastic Surgery Face

Emilio Estevez Plastic Surgery Face

The other sign of Emilio Estevez plastic surgery can be seen on the shape of his nose which looks straighter than before. It can indicate if he has potentially got nose job (rhinoplasty surgery). Looking at his cheek, some plastic surgeons also predict that the former actor could have been under knife for injectable filler on his cheek. This allegation can be proven from his cheek which still looks full, whereas other middle-aged men’s cheeks have shown sagging.

Do plastic surgeons only predict him getting eyelid surgery, nose job, injectable filler, and brow lift? No, some plastic surgeons also speculate if the former actor of The Breakfast Club, Emilio Estevez, potentially got facial filler injection like Botox, Restylane, and Juvederm. Their allegation is based on how his face appears at his 52-year-old age which looks nearly wrinkle-free.

Over all, although Emilio’s appearance looks unnatural, but some plastic surgeons note that Emilio Estevez plastic surgery over all is well done. It can be seen from his nowadays appearance which looks fresh, tight, smooth, and impressive though his age is not young anymore. We only hope that he will not take any additional plastic surgery procedures in the future because we are afraid if the procedure will ruin his appearance.

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Brigitte Nielsen Plastic Surgery Confession

It is not secret anymore if there are many 50-year-old actresses in Hollywood reportedly got plastic surgery to keep their youthful appearance. One of them is Brigitte Nielsen who apparently has made some beauty enhancements in her 51-year-old age. She revealed if she had got plastic surgery to keep her attractive appearance. Brigitte Nielsen plastic surgery is considered including liposuction, breast reduction, and facial filler injection.

Brigitte Nielsen Before and After Plastic Surgery

Brigitte Nielsen Before and After Plastic Surgery

Brigitte Nielsen’s career began from being a model at the beginning of 1980. Afterwards she expanded her career in entertainment industry. Her name began stealing public attention since she was portrayed as Red Sonja in Red Sonja film and as Ludmilla Vobet Drago in Rocky IV film. Her name became more famous when she got marriage with Sylvester Stallone.

Brigitte Nielsen Plastic Surgery Before and After

Brigitte Nielsen Plastic Surgery Before and After

Born on 15 July 1963, Nielsen still looks wonderful and young. Nobody suppose if her age is already 51 years old because her appearance still looks ten years younger than her actual age. Brigitte Nielsen plastic surgery apparently had worked well, so that she can always look as attractive as she was young.

Brigitte Nielsen Plastic Surgery Liposuction

Brigitte Nielsen Plastic Surgery Liposuction

Brigitte Nielsen confessed when she was being questioned by some journalists of celebrity magazines if she had removed the excessive fats around her stomach and thighs via liposuction. She even told if she had removed eight points of fluid of her belly and fats around stomach and thighs.

She also confessed that her cosmetic surgery procedure was not only liposuction, but she also frankly told if she had got eyelid surgery to reduce the sagging skin around her eyelids.

Brigitte Nielsen Breast Reduction Before and After

Brigitte Nielsen Breast Reduction Before and After

Some people may be shocked if they look at her current breast size which looks smaller than she used to. When she was asked whether she had been under knife for breast reduction, she openly admitted if she had got breast reduction to take off the implants from her chest.

The last but not least, Brigitte Nielsen’s face skin still looks tight and smooth. When she was asked if she had got facial filler injection like Botox or not, she once again told that she had been under knife for regular skin treatment through Botox injection.

When Brigitte was asked about what she felt after getting some plastic surgery procedures done, she proudly told if she had been satisfied with the result. She felt confidence though her age was no longer young, 51-year old age.

In short, Brigitte Nielsen plastic surgery may become one of successful plastic surgery examples. There are many actresses are not as lucky as her after being under knife. Their appearance look weird even some appear worse after getting plastic surgery.

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Like other 50-year-old actresses, Cyndi Lauper also reportedly got plastic surgery. Judging by before and after photos, we notice that her appearance does not change a lot. She still looks as attractive as she was young. Looking at her recent appearance and then comparing to the old one, some people do believe if the rumor of Cyndi Lauper plastic surgery is obviously true.

Cyndi Lauper Plastic Surgery Before and After

Cyndi Lauper Plastic Surgery Before and After

Born on June 22, 1953, 61-year old actress still has youthful appearance. Her face does not show plenty of aging signs, but it still appears tight and smooth. This unnatural appearance makes some people to speculate if 80s pop diva has got some cosmetic surgery procedures done.

Cyndi Lauper Before and After Photos

Cyndi Lauper Before and After Photos

If you are still in doubt, let’s take a look at her neck skin. It shows some of wrinkles and sagging skin. However, if we see on her face skin, it still remains sleek and fresh. Nonetheless, some people notice that her face less of expression. It could be affected by the use of too much facial filler injection like Botox which was injected between her brows and forehead. Cyndi Lauper may also get lips filler injection like Restylane to make the shape of her lips look perfect. Looking at her recent lips, many plastic surgeons think that Cyndi Lauper lips filler injection was well done, so that her lips look sweeter than before. It also does not look “trout pout.”

Cyndi Lauper Before and After Plastic Surgery

Cyndi Lauper Before and After Plastic Surgery

Besides having Botox injection and lips augmentation, Cyndi apparently has got regular skin treatment through chemical peels or laser resurfacing to minimize the aging signs on her face. She also reportedly avoids directly from the sun shine, which helps her much to reduce the aging signs.

According to Dr. David Shafer, a board certified Manhattan plastic surgeon, Cyndi looks wonderful and gorgeous though her age is not young anymore. The surgeon does not flatter her ageless appearance, but the facts reveal if her appearance does look always young. Looking at her unnatural appearance, Dr. David Shafer believes if 80s singer could have been under knife for at least Botox injection.

In addition, a facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon and a rhinoplasty specialist in Beverly Hills, Dr. Paul S. Nassif revealed that Cyndi Lauper might have got eyelid surgery at some point beyond facial filler injection, Botox.

Dr. Michael Salzhauer, a plastic surgeon based on Miami, also agreed if Cyndi could have got Botox and dermal fillers, so that her appearance then looked always young and fresh. The doctor also revealed if she might have got mini facelift and Blepharoplasty.

Whatever Cyndi has done for her appearance via plastic surgery, many plastic surgeons claim if Cyndi Lauper plastic surgery has done well by her plastic surgeon.

What do you think of Lauper’s ageless appearance? Feel free to share your thoughts with us if you find other cosmetic surgery procedures beyond what plastic surgeons have mentioned above.

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Jacklyn Zeman Plastic Surgery Before and After

Can you mention the longest running American soap opera in production? If you said “General Hospital”, you are absolutely right. The soap opera were first premiered in April 1, 1963, airing until today. You might be old enough to recognize one of the casts, Bobbie Spencer, played by Jacklyn Zeman. She rolled the cast from 1977 to 2007 and 2013 to present. You can watch how she aged through the years. Jacklyn Zeman Plastic Surgery is believed to be the part of the aging process, since she looks aged unnaturally.

Jacklyn Zeman Plastic Surgery Before and After

Jacklyn Zeman Plastic Surgery Before and After

Jacklyn Zeman started her career as the “Playboy Bunny” in 1972. She then appeared in “One Life to Live” as Lana Mcclain for a year in 1976. On 1977, she joined the American soap opera called “General Hospital”, rolled as a nurse named Barbara Jean “Bobbie” Spencer. She played the role for the next thirty three years until 2010, which her role said to be out of the town to look for one of the male character. She came back into the soap opera on 2013 until today. With more than 3,000 episodes, Zeman has gained her recognition. She won many awards and nominations, including four Daytime Emmy Award nominations.

Jacklyn Zeman Before and After Plastic Surgery

Jacklyn Zeman Before and After Plastic Surgery

Apparently, Zeman is looking different than before. she is believed to have done many plastic surgery procedures due to her unnatural look, such as eyelid surgery, facelift, Botox, facial fillers, cheek implants, lasers, and lip fillers. Her eyes are free from sagging skin and crow feet, her skin face is free from wrinkles and lines. It also looks smooth and shiny. But unfortunately, her lips look over injected, it look inflated too much. Her cheek also look too plumped and some people said that she is having a frozen expression, makes her face look worse. It can be said that Jacklyn Zeman Plastic Surgery is not going really well completely. Some correction surgery could do the work to restore her natural look. It will be scary to see a nurse with terrible face like that, even if on soap opera. At least, it could decrease the number of her fans.

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India is a great country where the people in it try to build the image of Indian film. They tried to counterbalance the “Hollywood” by founding the term “Bollywood”. Many actors and actresses are enlivening the effort. One of the talented Indian Actress is Preity Zinta. Just like her name, she is gifted with a pretty face. So pretty that it draws the suspicion has been the result of Preity Zinta Plastic Surgery. The actress’s face is also showing some alterations. Public have guessed that Zinta at least got Botox injection, cheek implants, and eyelid surgery.

Preity Zinta Before and After Plastic Surgery

Preity Zinta Before and After Plastic Surgery

Zinta’s father died when she was just a kid. The tragedy has forced her to be mature immediately. She made her career after earned a postgraduate degree. She then became a model and start appearing in television commercial. Her effort to be an actress was having unsteady steps. Her films got cancelled and she finally able to start playing in the movie “Dil Se” in 1998. Her first role was “Kya Kehna” in 2000.

Preity Zinta Before and After Pictures

Preity Zinta Before and After Pictures

Now, she has been played in numerous movies and has gained many awards and nomination from various categories. Zinta is also a woman activist by writing her thought about abuse of Indian women which she is against with. She is also love to join charity and social act. She even adopted 34 orphan girls on her 34th birthday. Now, Zinta is currently has no partner to spend her daily life with.

Preity Zinta Plastic Surgery Before and After

Preity Zinta Plastic Surgery Before and After

There will be some difference by looking at Zinta’s old and recent photos. Zinta eyes’ look wider with upper eyelid lifted. Her oval face starts to change to round slow. The cheek implant has made the actress’ face rounder. At her age of 39, botox is the only simple way to prevent the appearance of aging sign. As we can see now, Zinta’s face is smooth as ever, without any lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. Zinta is focusing on her effort to pursue her career in Indian film industry. Preity Zinta Plastic Surgery is just a common standard thing happened on any celebrities to help them keep active and survive I the industry.

What do you think about Preity Zinta’s appearance after having some cosmetic surgery procedures done? Does she look better?

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There are not many Hollywood celebrities who have openly shared the beauty secret they have ever had. It is such a common thing for them to maintain their appearance to keep survives in the industry and keep up with the new comer.

Jamie Lee Curtis Plastic Surgery Face

Jamie Lee Curtis Plastic Surgery Face

One of the easiest and fastest ways to do it is by having cosmetic surgery procedures. Many of them have bravely admitted it in front of public and media. But, many of them did not feel the same. They are keeping silent till the end and letting the rumor raise their popularity. Maybe it is because it is like cheating and such an instant ways, especially when the procedure goes wrong. It would only make the celebrity feel ashamed and became public’s gossip.

Jamie Lee Curtis Plastic Surgery Before and After

Jamie Lee Curtis Plastic Surgery Before and After

The last type of celebrity is those who take times to finally open about the procedure they had in the past. Jamie Lee Curtis is the latest type of celebrity. It has been confirmed that Jamie Lee Curtis plastic surgery includes eyelid surgery, liposuction, and Botox injection.

Jamie Lee Curtis is known as an actress which “The Scream Queen” as her other names, due to her prominently appearance in many horror movies in the early years of her career. She is the wife of actor Christopher Guest which got the Barony of Haden Guest inheritance after his father dies. It makes her getting the title as Lady Haden-Guest. She is also an author of many children’s books which many of it has been listed as New York Times Best Seller.

Jamie Lee Curtis Before and After Plastic Surgery

Jamie Lee Curtis Before and After Plastic Surgery

Curtis has openly admitted in public that she was gone under the knife for blepharoplasty. It was done on her early career as actress which the director refused to shoot her with sagging skin under her eyes. One surgery lead to another, Jamie Lee Curtis plastic surgery continued with more surgeries such as liposuction and Botox.

The 54-year old mother with two adopted children does not proud with her procedures and said that it does not work at all. She stopped doing the procedure, which gives her a natural look like we see today. Many lines appear on her face especially when she smiles. There are also crow feet around the corner of her eyes. Even so, she still look beautiful and gracefully. Many people also praise her for act to appear appropriately for her age.

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Keith Urban Plastic Surgery Before and After

Can you mention a male singer that always looks handsome over the years? Keith Lionel Urban or known as Keith Urban is definitely one of them. As the time passing by, his career also rising, but he always looks young and can maintain a fresh looks. What is his secret? The rumor of Keith Urban plastic surgery has been believed to be the answer.

Keith Urban Plastic Surgery Before and After

Keith Urban Plastic Surgery Before and After

Urban is known as an Australian country singer who has released eight albums. Many of his singles are ranked in the first country chart. He also has received numerous awards for various categories. He is currently married to actress Nicole Kidman since January 2005 and has two daughter names Sunday Rose Kidman Urban and Faith Margaret Kidman Urban. He is having a happy life with his family for ten years now but it cannot prevent the rumor of him having a divorce with his wife due to their business at work. Just like it is not enough, Keith Urban plastic surgery is being a hot topic to discuss due to his handsome and young face.

Keith Urban Before and After Plastic Surgery

Keith Urban Before and After Plastic Surgery

Keith Urban plastic surgery is including facelift, Botox injections, eyelids surgery, cheek filler, and jaw implants. At the age of 47, Urban’s face is free from aging sign. The wrinkles and forehead lines seem to be disappeared from his face. Looks like the combination of his facelift and Botox procedure is giving the best result. There is no crow feet and sagging skin under his eyes too. His cheek also much fuller than before and there is a difference on his jaw, which it looks sharper and firmer.

Keith Urban plastic surgery has not been confirmed yet. Even if the pictures are all over the media, not all of the people believe that Urban has been gone under the knife. They believe that it could be his hair style and beard that make him look different. But for those who have already known that his wife is having many cosmetic surgery procedures, makes them sure that he takes the same way to maintain his appearance. Some of people said that it is such a good plastic procedure but some other said that the procedure makes him look feminine.

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