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T-ara Jiyeon Plastic Surgery Before and After

Jiyeon Plastic Surgery is recently being hot news in several celebrity magazines in Korea. She reportedly got some plastic surgery procedures since she looks much different than she used to. Nevertheless, the truth of the rumor is still being debated among plastic surgeons.

Many her fans claim that the difference in Jiyeon’s appearance is as the effect of makeup. But, many haters see that the her transformation is due to plastic surgery.

T-ara Jiyeon Plastic Surgery Before and After

T-ara Jiyeon Plastic Surgery Before and After

Did Jiyeon Really Have Plastic Surgery?

Park Ji-yeon is not only best known as a singer, but this 21-year old girl is also well known as a model. Some people think that she is a talented girl because she does not only have gold voice, but she also has beautiful appearance. However, there are a lot of people are recently talking about the possibilities for her to get plastic surgery.

The rumors of Jiyeon plastic surgery were first arising when some people saw her with huge different appearance. Since then, they tried to compare between Jiyeon before and after photos. Surprisingly, they indeed found some beauty enhancements in her appearance. After seeing the difference they conlude that she had really been under knife.

Well, if the rumor of Jiyeon plastic surgery is true, the big question for us is what kind of surgery procedures did she have? Based on the comparison between before and after pictures, there are some beauty improvements on her eyes and nose. Well, in order to make clear the rumors, let’s take a look the following review one by one.

Jiyeon Plastic Surgery: Double Eyelid Surgery

The most noticeable change in her appearance, which triggers to cosmetic surgery allegation, is Jiyeon’s eyes. Both of her eyes now looks a bit wide opened than before. It may rarely happen for other Asian girls, who usually have small eyes, turn into girls with wide eyes in young age. Therefore, some people do believe if the model could have been under knife for Korean Eye Plastic Surgery.

However, the rumor is strongly denied by Jiyeon. She said that she did not have any cosmetic surgery procedures done on her face especially on the eyes as quoted below.

“Everyone used to be in pageants. Jiyeon, do you think that you’re the prettiest? After surgery?” Jiyeon responded, “I didn’t do surgery-… No, I don’t know.”

On the other hand, her fans also ensure the haters that T-ara Jiyeon is still natural without plastic surgery. They say that if some people found her eyes look different, it is all because of the makeup. What about her nose? Did she have a rhinoplasty surgery? Let’s see the following review..!

Jiyeon Plastic Surgery: Nose Job

Judging by the comparison between the pictures before and after plastic surgery, some people see that her nose has changed as well. They think that her new nose is gained through Korean nose job. Look at her new nose in “after” picture, it now looks a bit thinner with much better defined at the tip. It seems to be impossible as the effect of make up.

T-ara Jiyeon Before and After Plastic Surgery

T-ara Jiyeon Before and After Plastic Surgery

Once again, we can not say whether Jiyeon plastic surgery rumor is true or not, but basically we notice that she does have some beauty enhancements on her eyes and nose.

Jiyeon’s metamorphosis is also possible as the effect of makeup because the changes are very subtle, so it is hard for us to determine whether she has really been under knife or not.

Over all, regardless of true or false about Jiyeon plastic surgery, it just waits for the time. If the star of Weekly Idol, a South Korean variety show, really has got some cosmetic surgery procedures done or not, the signs of plastic surgery will be noticeable sooner or later as the time passes.

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Shu Qi Plastic Surgery Before and After Pictures

Shu Qi Plastic Surgery is apparently being much talked by Asian celebrity watchers. Some people predict that this Taiwanese actress has got some cosmetic surgery procedures done on her appearance.

However, the truth of the rumor is still being debated among her fans and many celebrity viewers. Most of her fans do believe if the former of model is still natural without any surgery procedures done. But, not a few of people her natural beauty because they found her recent appearance looks much different than she used to.

Shu Qi Plastic Surgery Before and After

Shu Qi Plastic Surgery Before and After

Did Shu Qi Have Plastic Surgery?

Shu Qi whose real name Lin Li-hui is best known as an actress and model from Taiwan. Her name began stealing public attention since she became a model for Chinese edition of Playboy magazine. Afterwards her name became more popular since she joined into management of Hong Kong film producer Manfred Wong. With her new management, she had signed a lot of movie contracts.

The more she often appears on television, the more people will pay attention everything on her such as fashion, lifestyle, and her appearance.

Lately, some people are talking about the possibilities for her to get plastic surgery. This speculation arose because some people found something unusual on her appearance especially on her face features.

Well, if the rumor of Shu Qi plastic surgery is true, the big question is what kind of plastic surgery that she got? In order to make clear whether she has really been under knife or not, let’s see the following review. However, we do not forget to remind you if the reviews below are just prediction, so everything, wrong or right, can happen.

Judging by the pictures comparison between Shu Qi before and after plastic surgery, we notice that she does have some changes on her face especially on her nose and eyes. Does it mean that she has got nose job and eyelid surgery? Yes, it can be true.

Shu Qi Plastic Surgery: Nose Job

If we look at her recent appearance, and then we compare to her previous years photos. Her nose appears different. It looks thinner with sharper at the tip. Whereas she previously was best known with her wide and rounded nose shape.

Shu Qi Nose Job Before and After

Shu Qi Nose Job Before and After

Based on the facts of the photos comparison, we guess that the rumor of Shu Qi plastic surgery is obviously true. However, we are also still in doubt if the change on her nose shape may be able to be resulted from makeup illusion. It is all because the difference is very subtle.

Shu Qi Plastic Surgery: Eyelid Surgery

Double eyelid surgery is not something new and strange anymore for Asian celebrities. Most of them reportedly got Blepharoplasty to widen their small eyes to be wide eyes. Let’s take a look how Won Bin looks after getting the eyelid surgery.

Shu Qi herself seems to take a lot of advantages from her Blepharoplasty surgery, her eyes appears a bit wide as if her Mongolian eyes has disappeared on her appearance.

Even though the rumor of Shu Qi plastic surgery has been much talked by people in various forums, but the actress herself still keeps silent about her beauty enhancements. She does not say anything whenever she is questioned about it.

Over all, The review of Shu Qi plastic surgery above can be true or on the contrary it can be wrong because, once again, the review is based on the comparison between before and after photos. Hence you are free to decide whether the actress of A Beautiful Life film has really got some cosmetic surgery procedures or not.

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Portia de Rossi Plastic Surgery is lately being trending topic in celebrity magazines and various celebrity forums. She reportedly got some cosmetic surgery procedures done for her flawless appearance. Nonetheless some people are still wondering about what kind of her plastic surgery procedures are.

There are many versions regarding to what exactly Portia Rossi plastic surgery procedures. Some people say that she only had nose job done, but not a few of them claim that she could have more than a rhinoplasty surgery.

What Are Portia de Rossi Plastic Surgery Procedures?

The rumor of Portia de Rossi cosmetic surgery was firstly spreading when some her fans and many people found her with different appearance after sitcom “Arrested Development”. Afterwards, a lot of her fans react and search some information to get the clear info whether she had really got some plastic surgery procedures done or not.

Portia de Rossi Plastic Surgery Before and After

Portia de Rossi Plastic Surgery Before and After

Knowing her fans react massively to the rumor, she openly told that she did not have any cosmetic surgery procedures done to bring back her youthful appearance. She ensured that she was still natural, as it was quoted by some celebrity magazines.

“The one thing I don’t wanna do is chase what I looked like at 20,” she said.


Portia says she looks young because she eats a vegan diet and “dress[es] like a teenager.”


“As women we’re so conditioned to think that beauty and age are very important — that you stay kind of youthful in order to be beautiful. I don’t think it’s fair for people to think that women are just vain because they’re worried about getting older. It’s actually really linked in with a lot of very primitive stuff for women.”

Even though de Rossi has strongly denied all plastic surgery allegations, but some plastic surgeons have different reviews on her appearance. Most of the plastic surgeons clam that she definitely got some works done especially on her nose, face skin, eyes, cheeks, lips, and many others.

Well, to give you clear information, let’s see the following plastic surgeons reviews one by one.

Portia de Rossi Plastic Surgery Face: Botox Injection

There many disputes whether she had been under knife for Botox injection or not. However, judging by the comparison between Portia de Rossi before and after plastic surgery pictures, we guess that she indeed got filler injection on her face skin. Let’s take a look at her smooth and toned face skin. It is almost impossible for 41 year-old women in her age to have flawless face appearance if they do not have any filler injection like Botox on their face.

According to a Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon in Boston, Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel, who is also best known as one of big fans of Arrested Development sitcom, de Rossi appearance definitely indicates plastic surgery signs. It can be proved through her face which does not have a lot of aging signs on her face, whereas her age is almost 41 years old. It must have been gained through facial filler injection like Botox, as it was quoted below.

“…Her forehead was overly smooth and immobile suggesting poorly done Botox, for a while there were no wrinkles — a better injection technique could have left her with some normal motion.”

What Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel said seems to be true because she does not have any aging signs as other women in her age do. Commonly, 41 year-old women will have some sagging skin and frown lines around their forehead. But what we see on her appearance, she does still appear younger with flawless face skin.

Portia de Rossi Plastic Surgery: Brow Lift

Besides facial filler injection, some plastic surgery experts believe if the actress of Sean Saves the World sitcom has possibly got other surgery procedure namely brow lift surgery. It can be seen on her forehead which still looks tight and smooth.

A Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in New Jersey, Dr. Paul Carniol, exclusively tells us if the rumor of Portia de Rossi plastic surgery is in fact a true. He told that she did not only have Botox injection on her face skin, but she also got brow lift surgery to tighten her forehead and to elevate her brows. As it was quoted below.

“Portia appears to have had procedures between the photos. Starting from the top down, she appears to have had a coronal brow lift with elevation of her hairline, tightening of her forehead, and elevation of her brows…”

Well, if we look at her recent appearance then we compare to her previous years appearance, she apparently did not only have Botox and brow lift surgery. She also could have other surgery procedures on her eyes and nose. Let’s see the other Portia de Rossi plastic surgery procedures below.

Portia de Rossi Eyelid Surgery

The other plastic surgery procedure that she could have is Blepharoplasty, as it was revealed by Dr. Edward P. Miranda, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in San Francisco.

The doctor told us exclusively that Portia apparently got an eyelid surgery to widen her eyes that had appeared having sagging skin or eyes bag under and upper her eyes. As result, both of her eyes now looks fresh and pretty. Here is the doctor statement.

“….She also may have had blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) to make her eyes appear wider…”

Portia de Rossi Nose Job

The most noticeable and undeniable plastic surgery sign on her face features is the nose job. Most of plastic surgeons agree if the actress has obviously got a rhinoplasty surgery to refine the shape of her nose.

Portia de Rossi Nose Job Before and After

Portia de Rossi Nose Job Before and After

Portia de Rossi rhinoplasty surgery allegation can be proven from her new nose which looks upturned, whereas her previous nose looks a bit downward.

According to Dr. Paul Carniol, Portia now seems to have her nasal nose narrowed through nose job, as it was quoted below.

“…. Also, it looks like she’s had subtle nasal surgery with a narrowing of her nose (rhinoplasty)…”

Meanwhile, Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel thought that Portia de Rossi might not only get Botox, brow lift, eyelid surgery, but she also must have been under knife for nose job. The surgeon ensured by showing some plastic surgery, a rhinoplasty, signs on her nose.

The expert told that Ms. De Rossi’s nose shape previously was particularly point downwards, but it now has a manly upturned tip, as we quoted below.

“I’m a big fan of Arrested Development and was certainly surprised to see how different Ms. De Rossi looked in the newest episodes. Most significantly, she’s had her nose operated on. Her nose used to distinctively point downwards, but now has a perky upturned tip…”

In other words, Dr. Theodore Diktaban, a Board-certified Plastic Surgeons & Otolaryngologists in New York City, revealed if the shape of Portia de Rossi nose has obviously and undeniably changed especially at the tip.

The surgeon also agreed if the actress might not only get nose job, but she possibly got eyelid surgery and facial fillers injected on her face, as he said below.

“The most obvious thing for sure, is that she had her nose done. There’s no doubt about it. The position of the tip has definitely changed. There is a possibility she had some facial fillers for more fullness. It’s hard to tell if she had Botox because I’m looking at a still picture. She also may have had something done to her lower eyelids.”

Portia de Rossi Lips Enhancement

Last but not least, the former star of Dead & Breakfast film seems to have lips filler injection as well. It can be proved from the late shape of her lips that looks fuller and juicy. It is very contrast to her previous lips that looks slim and and nothing special.

According to Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel, Portia de Rossi possibly got lips filler injected on her upper lips, so that it looks fuller than before. and here is what doctor said.

“…Also, she’s certainly had an injection into her upper lip, which is fuller….”

In addition, Dr. Paul Carniol also agreed if the former of model could have got lips enhancement by injecting filler on her lips. So, it is no wonder if her new lips can make her look sexier though he age is no longer young.

Over all, even though the former star of Cursed film has openly and strongly denied if she had been under knife for her beauty, but most of plastic surgery experts do believe if the rumor of Portia de Rossi plastic surgery is really fact.

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Won Bin Plastic Surgery Before and After

Won Bin Plastic Surgery adds to the list of Korean celebrities who get plastic surgery to improve their appearance and it is possible to boost their confidence as well.

There are many Korean celebrities reportedly get some plastic surgery procedures because they feel that they are not comfortable enough and insecure with their Asian look like having small eyes, wide and small nose.

Today, many Asian celebrity watchers are talking about Won Bin plastic surgery. He reportedly got at least one procedure of plastic surgery on his face feature, eyes, even though its sign is very subtle.

Won Bin Plastic Surgery Before and After

Won Bin Plastic Surgery Before and After

Did Won Bin Have Plastic Surgery?

Judging from the comparison between Won Bin before and after pictures, this handsome actor’s appearance does not change a lot except his eyes.

Looking at Won Bin’s eyes in “after” picture then comparing to “before” photo, his eyes looks a little bit wider that before. It can be an indication if he may get Korean Eye Plastic Surgery.

Won Bin Plastic Surgery remnds us of Jang Geun Suk plastic surgery. He was also reported having an eyelid surgery to make his eyes wider and prettier.

Won Bin After Eyelid Surgery

Won Bin After Eyelid Surgery

Did Won Bin admit the alleagtion? Since his name became hot news in several magazines due to plastic surgery, the actor has not given any official statement whether he has really undergone eyelid surgery or not. He still keeps his beauty secrets tightly.

In short, Though the actor of television drama, Autumn in My Heart, has not clarified the rumor yet, but some people do believe if the rumor of Won Bin plastic surgery is in fact true. What about you? Do you believe if he has had plastic surgery? Feel free to share your reviews and comments here!


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Xiaxue Plastic Surgery Before and After

Xiaxue Plastic Surgery has been stealing many people attention in Singapore. She reportedly has changed a lot than she used to. There are many Singaporean celebrity magazines and online forums are talking about her surgery.

Although her name has become the most talked by a lot of people, some people are still wondering about what typical surgery procedures she had. Even a few of them do not know who Xiaxue is. She is a Singaporean blogger, and her interest is celebrity gossips and news.

Xiaxue Plastic Surgery Before and After

Xiaxue Plastic Surgery Before and After

Did Xiaxue Have Plastic Surgery?

There are many people have not known yet this woman. Xiaxue is best known as a Singaporean celebrity watcher. She often posts her writing about her personal life, fashion model, and local issues in her personal blog and websites.

Based on some sources, Xiaxue’s main blog has inspired more than twenty thousands readers per a day. If we look at its royal readers, it is no wonder if she got prestigious blog awards and then earned much money from her sponsorship deals. She is also often appears in television as as a TV show host and columnist.

After her popularity has reaped a lot of people admiration, the news from her is always waited by a lot of people. They wonder what kind of breakthroughs that she would like to share.

In 2008 she reportedly received a claim from a fellow Singaporean blogger, Dawn Yang, because of her very offensive writing about Dawn Yang. However, some people think that it all might not be caused by her posts, but some people noticed that it was all because of their heated rivalry.

As the time passed, their rivalry news gradually disappears. However, there is an unpleasant news if Xiaxue has been under knife to improve her appearance. Even though the truth of Xiaxue plastic surgery rumor is still debatable, but a lot of people are still wondering about her surgery procedures if she has really got some works done. Keep on reading to find whether she has really had plastic surgery or not, and if she has so, let’s find her surgery procedures.

Judging by the before and after photos, she indeed has got some improvements on her appearance. If we look closely at the comparison of pictures above, we notice that she has got some beauty enhancements especially on her nose, eyes, and lips. All of her features have apparently changed and their changes almost refer to plastic surgery signs. Well, let’s take a look the following reviews one by one.

Xiaxue Plastic Surgery: Nose

The first plastic surgery procedure that she could get is nose job. It can be proven from her nose shape. Xiaxue’s nose now looks a bit thinner than she used to. Whereas, it previously looks wide and piggy. Even though Xiaxue nose job is done subtly, but its sign is still visible.

Xiaxue Plastic Nose Job Before and After

Xiaxue Plastic Nose Job Before and After

A rhinoplasty surgery has apparently given her a lot of benefits for her appearance. It is claimed that she now looks perfect and awesome after getting nose surgery. She does not appear to go overboard with it, so her nose still appears natural as if she does not have any cosmetic surgery procedure on her nose.

Xiaxue Blepharoplasty Surgery

It is reported that she also had been under knife for an eyelid surgery. Some people notice if both of her eyes now look prettier than before. Xiaxue’s eyes now looks a bit wide opened than she used to, so she does not look like as a Asian woman again, but she almost looks like a western woman whose wide and sweet eyes impression.

Xiaxue Plastic Double Eyelid Surgery

Xiaxue Plastic Double Eyelid Surgery

If we pay attention to the recent news, Blepharoplasty surgery seems to be the most common procedure that almost Asian women and celebrities got. Likely, they feel insure and uncomfortable with their small eyes, hence they, as well as Xiaxue, tried to reshape their eyes through eyelid surgery. As result, their Asian eyes now turn into western eyes.

Xiaxue Lips Augmentation

Besides nose job and Blepharoplasty surgery, we guess that she likely has got lips enhancement as well. Our allegation is based on her recent lips which looks a bit plump and juicy. It is almost contrast to her previous lips shape which looks slim.

Xiaxue Before and After Plastic Surgery

Xiaxue Before and After Plastic Surgery

Well, Xiaxue may look perfect and awesome after getting some plastic surgery procedures done. However, some people are still wondering whether the rumor is true or not. So, how does Xiaxue respond to the rumor? Does she admit or deny all the allegations. Let’s see…!

When she was confirmed by her fans, she openly admitted if she had really been under knife for nose job and Blepharoplasty surgery. She told that she felt uncomfortable and insecure with her nose and eyes shape in which her nose looked a bit wide with a little flat at the tip as she wrote on her private blog.

“I’ve always felt the tip of my nose was a little flat so here it is after fillers:It’s like a nose job which is non invasive! “

Meanwhile, she told that she got double eyelid surgery with forced because she felt uncomfortable with her small eyes shape. As it is quoted from her own blog.

” I did something really drastic yesterday. I did plastic surgery!! And not just namby pamby nonsense – two eye surgeries at once! That’s Lateral Canthoplasty…

What about the lips filler injection, she also openly shared her experience using filler injection on her lips as it was written by her in blog.

“Since we are at the topic of plastic surgery, last month I visited Dr Georgia Lee again for fillers for my laugh lines!! She is FANTASTIC once again and did fillers for me on lips (my third time)…”

Well, Xiaxue confession has been shocking a lot of people especially her fans. They do not believe if their favorite writer had got such dirty beauty enhancement. They think that she likely feels ashamed to have Mongolian appearance. Indeed, she may not tell clearly why she decided to get some cosmetic surgery procedures, but the fans have different views about Xiaxue plastic surgery.

Over all, the rumor of Xiaxue plastic surgery is answered and the rumor is in fact true. After getting some works done, she turns into Western woman from Mongolian woman. Indeed, plastic surgery is her personal right, but some people are still wondering about the reasons why she decided to plastic surgery moreover some her fans relate her beauty enhancements to the race issues.

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Kathie Lee Gifford Plastic Surgery is lately being exclusive topic of discussion among celebrity viewers in various forums. This rumor appears in the surface since some people notice that her appearance looks so different than she used to. Her appearance now looks younger than ever.

Kathie likely does not have plenty of aging signs on her face. It still looks smooth, tight, and toned. This is very contrast with the appearance of other women in her age. Commonly, 61 years old women will have visible aging signs like wrinkles and other sagging skin around their face as the natural process of aging. But what we see on her appearance, it is still flawless and wrinkles-free.

Kathie Lee Gifford Plastic Surgery Before and After

Kathie Lee Gifford Plastic Surgery Before and After

Did Kathie Lee Gifford Have Plastic Surgery?

There are many actresses,50 years old, reportedly got some works done to keep and improve their appearance in their old age as well as Kathie Lee Gifford. Let’s take a look how Barbra Streisand keeps her youthful appearance in her 70 years old age. By helping of her plastic surgeon, she can still look fabulous though her age is almost 71 years old.

Plastic surgery seems to give Kathie Lee Gifford a lot of benefits so that she can still appear like a 30 years old actress. Well, if she has really been under knife, some people then wonder what kind of cosmetic surgery procedures that she had got.

Judging by Kathie Lee Gifford before and after plastic surgery pictures, the veteran television host apparently has some improvements on her face skin, eyes, and nose shape. How well do her face skin, nose, and eyes improve? Let’s see and identify one by one.

Kathie Lee Gifford Before and After Plastic Surgery

Kathie Lee Gifford Before and After Plastic Surgery

Kathie Lee Gifford Plastic Surgery: Botox Injection

The aging process seems to be something frightening for Kathie, therefore she needs to cover her fears by having some filler injection like Botox on her face skin to combat aging signs. As result, we can see her face skin right now. It still looks flawless and fresh. Such face skin appearance indicates that the rumor of Kathie Lee Gifford plastic surgery is in fact true.

If you are still in doubt whether she has been under knife or not, Let’s see her forehead. It seems to lose horizontal lines that are almost visible on other women’s forehead in her age as the natural process of aging. What about the vertical lines around her eyebrows? yes, it seems to be removed as well.

The use of Botox injection itself will give best result if it is done by a professional plastic surgeon and it is used with appropriate proportion. If we see on Gifford’s case, she likely has got a professional surgeon and she knows how her face needs the filler injection proportionally.

Kathie Lee Gifford Facelift

The use of Botox injection and facelift surgery for old women seems to be a package that can not be separated each other. Facelift surgery is aimed to pulled out the sagging skin while the use of Botox is aimed to make the skin looks smooth. Both of those cosmetic surgery procedures are purposed to give youthful face impression for the patients.

If we look at Kathie’s face, we guess that she did not only get filler injection on her face, but she could also have facelift. Our allegation is based on her face skin which still looks so tight whereas her age almost reaches 62 years old. However, some plastic surgeons believe that she might also get a laser skin treatment to make her face look younger perfectly.

Kathie Lee Gifford Nose Job

Kathie Lee Gifford Nose Job Before and After

Kathie Lee Gifford Nose Job Before and After

The other cosmetic surgery procedures that she could have is dealing with her different nose shape. Kathie Lee Gifford’s nose now looks more defined and narrowed than before. Looking at such different nose shape, we guess that she might have got a rhinoplasty surgery to refine her previous nose that looks a bit wide with rounded at the tip. As result, we can see on her recent nose shape.

Kathie Lee Gifford Plastic Surgery: Blepharoplasty

Face improvement does not stop on her face skin and nose shape, she apparently had other beauty enhancement on her eyes. Let’s see her recent eyes which still looks wide opened and fresh as if it does not have any hanging eyes bag under and upper her eyes. We think that she might get An eyelid lift or blepharoplasty surgery to eliminate the sagging skin around her eyes.

According to plastic surgeon, Dr. Jennifer Walden, Kathie Lee Gifford is indeed fun and entertaining woman, and she may have been trying in many things including plastic surgery procedures over years to keep her youthful appearance as many women do.

How does she respond to those spreading rumors? when she was questioned by some volunteers of celebrity magazines and television hosts, she strongly denied if she had been under knife to keep her fabulous appearance in her old age. What she had stated when was having interview with Larry King is very contrast to the evidence which most people see.

In short, Even though the correspondent of NBC News has denied all the rumor. Nevertheless some people think that the evidence of Kathie Lee Gifford plastic surgery is obvious visible on her face, eyes, and nose.

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Kym Johnson Plastic Surgery is lately being the most talked topic by a lot of people especially her fans and other celebrity viewers. This cosmetic surgery allegation was firstly spreading out to surface since some people found her with unnatural appearance. Yeah, she looks so beautiful and still looks fresh, whereas her age is almost 37 years old.

However, since this post is being written, there has no been any statements from the dancer. Kym still stays a mum with the spreading rumor. Nevertheless some people do believe if she could have some cosmetic surgery procedures done on her face. As result, her face still looks awesome for her 36 years old age.

Kym Johnson Plastic Surgery Before and After

Kym Johnson Plastic Surgery Before and After

Did Kym Johnson Have Plastic Surgery?

It seems to be the difficult thing for the outsider to break into US entertainment industry and obtain appreciation. Kym apparently made some breakthroughs to conquer US entertainment by appearing in TV Show Dancing with the Stars.

However, when she has peaked her career, there is unpleasant news that reports her to have some plastic surgery procedures to achieve her dream to be Hollywood star. Well, if she really has been under knife, what kind of surgical procedures that she had got. Here are some possible answers for Kym Johnson plastic surgery procedures.

Kym Johnson Plastic Surgery: Botox Injection

The first spotlighted from the parts of her body that was considered as the result of plastic surgery is focused on her face skin. Kym’s face skin still looks fresh and smooth with no wrinkles or sagging skin. If it is compared to other women in her age, it seems to be very impossible for her to have flawless face skin if she does not have any surgery procedure done.

Kym Johnson Before and After Plastic Surgery

Kym Johnson Before and After Plastic Surgery

Judging by Kym Johnson before and after plastic surgery pictures, some people predict that the dancer could have Botox injection to eliminate the aging signs on her face. The absence of wrinkles becomes the most noticeable plastic surgery sign.

Kym Johnson Plastic Surgery: Blepharoplasty

The other plastic surgery procedure that she could have is dealing with her eyes. Both of her eyes now still looks wide opened and fresh as if it is hard to see the hanging eyes bag under and upper the eyes.

Looking at her current a slightly surprised appearance, especially her eyes, we predict that she could have Blepharoplasty surgery. The surprised look indicates that she has some works done on her eyes.

However, Kym Johnson plastic surgery rumor is soon denied by her fans. They argue that their favorite actress is still natural without any plastic surgery procedures done. Well, if many people see her with fresh, smooth, and with beautiful eyes, it is all because she is a ball dancer.

In short, there are still many pros and cons dealing with the truth of Kym Johnson plastic surgery because she herself has not given any statement dealing with public allegations. Nevertheless some people do believe if she must have some cosmetic surgery procedures done to maintain her youthful look.

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Mickey Rourke Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong

Mickey Rourke Plastic Surgery is recently being the hottest topic of discussion among celebrity viewers and his fans. It is all dealing with how he looks after being reported to have some cosmetic surgery procedures done.

Some people are wondering why he is so brave to makeover his appearance through plastic surgery procedures, whereas he has been a good man without any surgery procedures.

Mickey Rourke Plastic Surgery Before and After
Mickey Rourke Plastic Surgery Before and After

Did Mickey Rourke Have Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong?

Philip Andre Rourke, Jr. is best known as a former of professional fighter who has spent rest of his life in entertainment industry as an actor. Like many other 50 years old actors in Hollywood, like Rupaul, who reportedly got plastic surgery procedures to maintain the youthful appearance. Instead of getting flawless appearance, Mickey Rourke even looks weird after being under knife.

Well, if he had really been under knife, what kinds of plastic surgery procedures that he had got so that his appearance is considered as like the victim of bad plastic surgery. Here are some possible answers why he can look so weird and even horrible now. Let’s check them out..!

Mickey Rourke Nose Job

Some sources claim that the actor of Java Heat film has got a rhinoplasty surgery twice. It is all because he has got broken nose shape during his professional career as a fighter. Instead of getting better nose shape, his plastic surgeons even made big mistakes on his face. His face features, nose, does not look better, but it even looks worse.

Mickey Rourke Facelift

Facelift seems to be the most preferred cosmetic surgery procedures by some celebrities in Hollywood when their age has crossed more than 40 years old. Mickey Rourke is also reported to have this surgery procedure to pull out his face skin so that it can always look tight.

Mickey Rourke Plastic Surgery Face

Mickey Rourke Plastic Surgery Face

Unfortunately what he has done to his face seems to be a boomerang for himself. He does not look younger, but he even looks weird and even horrible after getting facelift surgery. The aging signs do disappear on his face, but many people consider that his face skin now looks frozen and too smooth. As if it is hard to see the sagging skin, stress lines, and other aging signs on his face.

Mickey Rourke Plastic Surgery: Eyelid Surgery

The other cosmetic surgery procedure that he might get is Blepharoplasty surgery. It can be seen from his eyes that look fresh and a bit wide opened. It is very contradiction to other 60 years old men’s eyes. His eyes do not have any sagging skin under and upper the eyes, but it still looks wide opened, sharper, and brighter than other men’s eyes in his age.

When he was confirmed and asked to make some statements, the actor has never given any statements. He still keeps silent with the spreading rumor. Nevertheless some people do believe if Mickey Rourke plastic surgery rumor is in fact true.

Over all, Even though the star of Sin City: A Dame to Kill For film has not given any statements regarding to the rumor. But judging by the comparison of Mickey Rourke plastic surgery pictures, some people do believe if Mickey Rourke plastic surgery gone wrong.

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Lil Kim plastic surgery has stolen a lot of people attention. It is all because there are many pros and cons dealing with the result of her beauty enhancement surgeries. Some people think that her appearance looks good after being under knife, but not a few of them think that Lil Kim plastic surgery gone wrong so her appearance looks weird and even horrible.

Kimberly Denise Jones who was born on born July 11, 1974 is best known as an American rapper, singer-songwriter, model, and actress. Her talent has made many people amazed and always wait for her new breakthrough. However, some people are lately shocking with her new appearance, she looks so different than she used to. Some people who look at her difference directly predict that she could have some works done.

Lil Kim Before And After Plastic Surgery Pictures

Lil Kim Before And After Plastic Surgery Pictures

Did Lil Kim Have Plastic Surgery?

Judging by pictures of Lil Kim before and after plastic surgery, she does look different. Her face skin looks so smooth while her nose also looks much well defined than before. Are those changes caused by plastic surgery? it may be true.

Well if she really has got some works done on the parts of her body, what kind of cosmetic surgery procedures did she have so that her appearance looks so different than she used to. Here are the most possible answers. Let’s check them out..!

Lil Kim Plastic Surgery: Botox Injections

Based on the comparison between Lil Kim plastic surgery pictures, her face looks brighter and younger than other women in her age. Looking at her unusual appearance, many people believe if the talented woman has got Botox injection to eliminate some aging signs on her face. Let’s see her face carefully, it does not show a lot of wrinkles and stress lines, but it is still fresh and even brighter. Whereas her face appearance previously looks a bit dark and dull.

Lil Kim Nose Job Before And After Pictures

Lil Kim Nose Job Before And After Pictures

Lil Kim Nose Job

The other spot that was suspected experiencing some plastic surgeon’s knife is on her nose. Lil Kim’s nose shape now looks thinner with more pointed at the tip. Such nose shape change is usually obtained through a rhinoplasty surgery as it has been done by Eliza Dushku. Let’s take a look at her nostrils, both of them look narrowed so that they can look smaller than before. Meanwhile, the nasal bridge is also apparently narrowed so that the tip can look sharper than before.

Lil Kim Plastic Surgery: Eyelid Surgery

Besides Botox injection and nose job, the record producer also might get eyelid surgery. It can be seen from her eyes which still looks wide opened. It is very contradiction to other women’s eyes in her age. They have some excessive skin and hanging eyes bag under and upper the eyes. But what we see on Lil Kim’s eyes, both of her eyes still looks fresh whereas her age is almost 41 years old.

Looking at her eyes, we can not tell that Lil Kim without plastic surgery. She has changed her natural look with a slightly artificial appearance. Therefore it is no wonder if it is hard to see any eye bags and saggy skin on her eyes area.

Lil Kim Plastic Surgery: Facial Fillers

last but not least, the actress of Superhero Movie also reportedly got other injectable filler on her face. Some plastic surgeons predict that she possibly got Restylane and Juvederm injected around her face skin, so her face can still look smooth and sleek. Her cheek also appears more chubby and full. It might be caused by the use of those facial fillers.

Nevertheless Lil Kim plastic surgery rumor has been spreading out widely and has been becoming public consumption, there has no been any official statements from the actress. She just stays mum with the rumor.

Over all, though the former star of Lil’ Pimp, black comedy animated film, has not given any statements dealing whether she has really got plastic surgery procedures or not, some people think that Lil Kim plastic surgery timeline is truly a fact. However, there are still many disputes dealing with the results. Some claim if Lil Kim plastic surgery gone wrong, but on the contrary some noted that the result was good. Which one is true? you can decide by yourself by looking at Lil Kim plastic surgery before and after pictures above.

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Vivian Hsu Plastic Surgery is still adorning many celebrity magazines cover in Asia. She reportedly got some works done to help her to enhance her appearance and to boost her confidence. Is that true?

Actress Vivian Hsu is considered as one of the most beautiful actresses in Taiwan. But, some people are now suing her natural beauty since there is a rumor saying that she had been under knife to keep her youthful appearance.

Vivian Hsu Plastic Surgery Face

Vivian Hsu Plastic Surgery Face

Did Vivian Hsu Have Plastic Surgery?

Vivian Hsu is best known as a singer, actress, and mode. She got her fame since she won the “Talented Beautiful Girl” contest which was held by Taiwan’s CTS in 1990. Afterwards her celebrity career has been growing fast. As result, there are many offers to act in various movies.

There are many people are amazed by her beauty. Even some people include her to be one of the most beautiful actresses in Taiwan. Since she got her fame in entertainment industry, her personal life became public consumption. So it is no wonder if many people always pay attention every parts of her, as well as her beauty.

When her age is almost 40 years old, some people begin to wonder how she can keep her gorgeous look. She does not appear to age, but she always looks young. Therefore some people predict that she could have some cosmetic surgery procedures so she can look so stunning though her age is no longer young. Well, if she really got plastic surgery procedures done, what kind of surgical procedures did she have? Here are some possible answers.

Vivian Hsu Plastic Surgery: Botox Injection

Botox injection becomes the first plastic surgery procedure that she might get. It can be proven through her face skin which looks so smooth with no a lot of wrinkles. Commonly, 39 years old women will have some aging signs on their face as the natural process of aging. But what we see on her face, it really looks awesome. Therefore, we think that Vivian Hsu Plastic Surgery is truly a fact.

Vivian Hsu Plastic Surgery Before and After

Vivian Hsu Plastic Surgery Before and After

Vivian Hsu Plastic Surgery: Eyelid Surgery

Like many other Asian celebrities, 2PM Junsu, Vivian also reportedly got blepharoplasty surgery to make her eyes look wider than she used to. As result, we can see her eyes now, it looks a bit wide opened than before as if she lost her Mongolian race.

The eyelid surgery actually does not only make the eyes looks wide opened, but it also gives another benefit. It can help the people to remove or eliminate the saggy skin under and upper the eyes so that the eyes will always look fresh. Well, if we look Vivian’s eyes, it looks a bit wide opened and fresher than other women in her age. It indicates that she really got Blepharoplasty surgery.

When she was confirmed by some volunteers of celebrity magazines, she openly denied that she had been under knife for her youthful appearance. She convinced that her appearance was still natural with no any plastic surgery procedures done. She told that she felt very uncomfortable with the rumor. Nevertheless some people still insist that she does have some works done and her clarification is only to hide her plastic surgery facts.

Over all, the former star of The Knot film might deny all the rumors, However, judging by before and after photos, some people do believe if Vivian Hsu Plastic Surgery rumor is in fact true.

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