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If there is a chance for you to keep looking like thirties at your seventies, will you do it? It is not an impossible thing to do now, with the help of plastic surgeon. Donna Mills has proved it. She is 73 now, but her appearance is still so young, fresh, even she just look like a sister next to her 20 years old daughter. What is her secret behind her amazing appearance? She is believed that she has done numerous plastic surgery procedures such as Botox, facelift, filler, laser treatment, lip injection, and eyelid surgery.

Donna Mills Before and After Photos

Donna Mills Before and After Photos

Did Donna Mills Have Plastic Surgery?

At her age, Donna does not look age at all. Her skin face is wrinkle free without any forehead or frown lines. This could be the effect of Botox injection. A facelift help her to keep her skin face tight and smooth, while filler keep her face in a good volume and look puffy. These treatments could be added with laser treatment to get more result. Her lips also look juicy and fleshy must be gotten filler injection in it. And looking at her sagging-free eyes, it is definitely the result of an eyelid surgery. It makes her face looks young with bright and wide eyes with smooth and shiny skin face.

Donna Mills Plastic Surgery Before and After

Donna Mills Plastic Surgery Before and After

The woman who played role as Abby Cunningham in Knot Landing for nine years has not given clear statement about her surgery allegations. She only stated that it is okay if there are some women doing some little treatments to maintain their beauty, as long as it did not get too much. Seems like Donna is following that principle, she did her surgeries in right portion. She knows the limit and only takes what it needs. She could have chosen the right plastic surgeon who helped her to reach her desire in having gorgeous appearance in her old age. Hence it is no wonder if her appearance still looks natural and do not look overdone. With this current look, she does not need any additional work and hopefully can keep continuing her career in screen. Maybe she will need some fat removal in the future due to her adding age. But all we can say now is Donna has aged gracefully, with her secret behind it.

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When we hear the term ‘Cat woman’, the figure of a beautiful, slim, charming , energetic thief covered in black fitted latex costume with ear cat and mask comes to our mind. It is a figure in DC comic which also has a love-hate relationship with a rich and wealthy man who disguises a superhero, Batman.

Jocelyn Wildenstein Plastic Surgery Before and After

Jocelyn Wildenstein Plastic Surgery Before and After

Is there any chance that the recent ‘Catwoman’ term among Hollywood celebrities is the same story and appearance with the DC character? Jocelyn Wildenstein has been known as the Catwoman in real life, but her appearance is so far away from the fictional comic character. Her addiction to plastic surgery has changed her looks into catlike look though, but it seems so unnatural with pear-eyes shape, bloated and shiny skin face, and fish lips. What has she done with her face? We can see that at least she has taken lips, cheek, and chin injections, eyelid surgery, and facelifts.

Cat Woman Plastic Surgery Before and After Photos

Cat Woman Plastic Surgery Before and After Photos

Jocelyn married Alec Wildenstein, a member of wealthy family of renowned art dealers. She loves him and is afraid if he leaves her. So she changed her look into catlike look to please her husband who loves big cats. The socialite woman drastically changes her eyes shape into pear-shape eyes through an eyelid surgery. It looks like feline eyes now and there is not any bag eyes shown. She also has admitted that she has done numerous facelifts. It gives her a smooth and tight skin. And look at her shiny face; it is the result of collagen injected to her chin, cheeks, and lips. Seems like they got injected too much, they look puffed and overdone. It is speculated that she already spent more than $4 millions to alter her looks.

At the end, she got divorced from Alec, but seems like it does not stop Jocelyn to continue her plastic surgery. Public regret her decision to alter her look because she was already beautiful. But she is happy with her current look, despite of other people opinion that her face is scary. She is 73 years old now, the wealthy Batman already left her, and the least thing she need is to spend her old age in peace.

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Plastic surgery has seduced every person who appears on screen. Not only movie actors and actress, or news anchor, even a comic actress has lied under the doctor’s knife, just like Cheri Oteri did. She was being known as the one of main cast at Saturday Night Lives between 1995 and 2000. as normal woman, she should age and have some aging signs on her appearance. But what we see on her latest appearance, she still looks great and wonderful whereas her age is no longer young, 51 years old. Looking at her wonderful appearance in her old age makes some people wonder if this senior actress has got some works done to keep her youthful appearance.

Did Cheri Oteri Have Plastic Surgery?

Being a public figure has made her personal life to be a target of paparazzi. Even the journalist did not only expose her personal life, but when they found something new on the certain actress’ appearance, they directly make some rumors.

Cheri Oteri Plastic Surgery Before and After

Cheri Oteri Plastic Surgery Before and After

Regarding to the rumor that say Cheri Oteri has got plastic surgery, some people began to find the evidence whether she really had been under knife or she indeed aged naturally. Judging by before and after photos, they found that there were many something unusual on her appearance. Her face skin still looks smooth, tight, and fresh as if she does not have any sagging skin there. Looking at Cheri’s face skin makes some people speculate if this actress possibly has got facelift that was combined with Botox injection. As the result, we can see on her latest appearance. Her face is far away from aging signs like wrinkles or other forehead lines.

Cheri Oteri Before and After Photos

Cheri Oteri Before and After Photos

On the other hand, if we look at her appearance deeply, we will see that her chin also has changed. She previously had round chin, but lately it changed into more pointed one, which makes her face look longer. It may be the effect of chin implant. Additionally, her nose has changed as well. At the beginning of her career in film industry, Cheri’s nose was round with wide bridge. But then it looks narrower with more pinched down at the tip. Medically, it can not change naturally, except with a rhinoplasty surgery.

Based on before and after pictures comparison above, her eyes are getting bigger and wider than before. It is also free from any sagging skin under and upper the eyes. Only an eyelid surgery can give such eyes appearance. In her age of more than half century, she still looks younger and fresh. Her skin face still looks tight and free from any wrinkles and any forehead lines. It is indicating that Cheri Oteri plastic surgery rumor is in fact true.

The comic actress herself has not given any confirmation whether she accepted or refused those plastic surgery allegations. However some people do believe if the rumor is fact. Nevertheless they praise the results because she indeed looks younger than other women in her age after getting some works done.

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The more we know about the Hollywood celebrities craze on having plastic surgery, the more we know which celebrity has gotten the best result from the surgery and which has gotten the opposite. Geena Davis is one of the lucky women who get the best result from her plastic surgery. Even in her 58 age, the former archery athlete does not look old at all. There are not any wrinkle and forehead lines, but her face skin still looks so fresh and young.

Geena Davis Plastic Surgery Before and After

Geena Davis Plastic Surgery Before and After

Did Geena Davis Get Plastic Surgery?

Some people previously would never think if Geena took some surgical procedures because her appearance still looks natural. But her latest marriage is with a plastic surgeon, Reza Jarrahy, so she possibly got some surgery procedures to keep her youthful appearance moreover her age is no longer young. If she really got plastic surgery, so what typical surgery procedures did she have?

Geena Davis Before and After Photos

Geena Davis Before and After Photos

Judging by before and after photos, some people predict that Davis has got facelift combined with Botox injection. This speculation is based on her current face skin appearance which looks so smooth and flawless for her age, 58 years old.

On the other hand, if we look at her eyes appearance, they also look so fresh as if she does not have any excessive skins there. Looking at such eyes appearance makes us believe if the former of fashion model did not only got maxillofacial surgery, but she possibly got eyelid surgery as well to perfect her previous surgical procedures in getting youthful face appearance.

In short, if Davis has really got cosmetic surgery, she may take a lot of advantages from her marriage because she has got useful advice and treatments from her husband to keep and to improve her appearance. Geena Davis plastic surgery may become one of the best examples for good plastic surgery.

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A faithful fan can show the progress of a celebrity. They can show how the celebrity looked like in the beginning of their career and how they look like now after producing a good career. They can notice if there are some differences on their favorite celebrity’s appearances.

Kerry Washington Nose Job Before and After

Kerry Washington Nose Job Before and After

This also happen to Kerry Washington, which blamed for having some plastic surgery procedures to her face. As she takes many roles in film industry for years, she became mature and more beautiful. Can you guess how many surgical procedures she has taken already? Or are you believe that her beauty is authentic as the effect of growing up in the film industry?

Kerry Washington Plastic Surgery Before and After

Kerry Washington Plastic Surgery Before and After

Kerry starts her career since mid 90s in both television and movies. She amazed the public with her role as Olivia Pope on ‘Scandal’ was being nominated for Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding lead Actress in a Drama Series. To keep supporting her career, of course she needs to take care of her appearance. Good appearance attracts many job offers. As the impact, many accusations go to her for having such beauty treatments.

Comparing before and after photos, Kerry Washington plastic surgery looks like including nose job, eyelid surgery, cheek augmentation, Botox, and lips injection. When she was starting her career, her nose looked big and wide. But now it looks slimmer and narrow. Her eyes also looks lifted now compared to then. And plumpy cheek she is having now is indicator of using filler, it could be Juvederm or Sculptra or Restylane. And if someone gets refine cheekbone like hers, only a plastic surgeon can help to get it. At the age of 37, there is not any wrinkles appear on the forehead of the ‘Django Unchained’ actress, which is many people and surgeon said that it is the result of having a Botox injection. It makes the skin tighter and smoother and hides wrinkles.

In the end, even if Kerry hasn’t admitted any of her surgery, her surgeries are such a good work. She gets the injection in enough portions, not too much or too little. That makes people barely see her trace of having plastic surgery. With her great looks from the surgeries she had, she doesn’t need any additional work for now.

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