Jennifer Nicole Lee Plastic Surgery is lately being much talked by people. They think she intentionally got some cosmetic surgery procedures to achieve her desire as a fitness model.
However, the truth of the rumor is still being debated among plastic surgeons. They have different thoughts regarding to Jennifer Nicole Lee plastic surgery.
Jenifer does have bright career in modelling. The story of how she achieved her model career seems to inspire many girls. But, lately some people sue her natural and charming appearance since there are plenty of Jennifer Nicole Lee before and after plastic surgery pictures uploaded on internet.
Did Jennifer Nicole Lee Have Plastic Surgery?
Some sources claimed that 36 year-old model began her career as a model after she has given birth to 2 children. It may sound strange for us because being a model needs beautiful and charming appearance. But, how can Jenifer become a model after giving birth to her 2 children.

Jennifer Nicole Lee Liposuction Before and After
Generally, the mother of 2 children will have some sagging and not ideal weight. If she has really gain ideal weight, she must need much time to burn the excessive fats during pregnant. But, Jenifer apparently does not need much time to get her ideal wight. Based on some sources which we’ve red she has lost up to 70 pounds, whereas her weight after giving birth to her second child is up to 200 pounds. Therefore, the rumor of Jennifer Nicole Lee plastic surgery arose to public.
Jennifer’s ideal weight after having 2 children leads many pros and cons. Some people apparently do not believe if she gained naturally her ideal wight with works out, but most of them predict that she has got aids from plastic surgeons. Even she shared her weight lost story in her own book to against people allegations.
Even she writes a book to share the experience how she can gain her ideal weight. However, some people think if the book is only to cover the rumor of Jennifer Nicole Lee plastic surgery.
Well, if she has really some works done, what kind of surgery procedures did she have? Some people predict that she possibly got fat modeling, Botox, a rhinoplasty surgery, and breast implant. In order to make clear the rumor, let’s see the following review one by one.
Jennifer Nicole Lee Liposuction
It is not deniable anymore if being a model needs ideal weight, charming , and beautiful appearance because they are the main requirements for models.
Looking at Jennifer Nicole’s appearance, she has represented all those requirements. She has ideal weight, sweet, and gorgeous
appearance. However, behind of her appearance, there are a lot of stories. She reportedly got liposuction to gain an ideal wight.
As we said above that she had lost 70 pounds from 200 pounds. It seems to be impossible for other women who have just given birth to their children get such ideal weight in very short time if they do not have some works done like plastic surgery procedures, liposuction.
Jennifer Nicole Lee Plastic Surgery Face: Botox
Besides lipoplasty surgery, this model also reportedly got some facial filler injection around her face. The allegation can be proved from her face skin which looks so tight, smooth, and flawless. Whereas, her age is no longer young, 39 years old.
Commonly, 39-year old women will have some aging signs around their face if they do not have some cosmetic surgery procedures done there. Let’s see her forehead and between the brows, she does not have any frown lines there.
Jennifer Nicole Lee Nose Job
The other beauty enhancement surgeries which she might get is a rhinoplasty surgery. It can be seen from the shape of her nose which looks a bit thinner with more defined at the tip.
The shape of Jennifer Nicole Lee nose previously looks a bit wide and there is a bump at the tip. But, both of the nasal bridge and the bump seems to be more defined via nose job.
Jennifer Nicole Lee Breast Implant
Last but not least, Lee has also reportedly got breast Implant, it can be proved through Jennifer Nicole Lee breast size which still looks tight, full, and does not appear to be saggy.

Jennifer Nicole Lee Breast Augmentation
It is almost different to other women in her age whose 2 children to have tight and fuller breast size like Jennifer does if they do not go plastic surgeon’s clinic. Let’s take a look at Jennifer Nicole Lee before and after plastic surgery pictures, her cup size looks much different than previous years pictures.
According to Dr. Michael Salzhauer, a plastic surgeon based in Miami, Jennifer Nicole Lee appears amazing after giving birth to her 2 children. The surgeon told that she might get breast implant and a few of cosmetic surgery procedures on her face features via a rhinoplasty surgery and Botox. Here is the surgeon’s statement:
“Jennifer Nicole Lee looks amazing and especially for having gone through 2 pregnancies. She appears to have had a breast augmentation and a few facial enhancements including a nose job (Rhinoplasty) and Botox and dermal fillers to smooth out her skin.”
In short, Jennifer Nicole Lee may hide all of her plastic surgery procedures. However, the comparison between before and after pictures, some people notice that she did have some cosmetic surgery procedures done. Luckily, what she had done to the parts of her body was done well by her plastic surgeon, so she can still look natural and amazing in her old age.