Recently, many celebrity magazines write headlines about the increasing number of young people to go under knife in order to have taut teenage skin and perfect appearance like celebrities. Is that true that celebrity plastic surgery encourages young people to have plastic surgery procedures in order that they can look perfect like celebrities?
Based on my curiosity above, I have done some investigations based on the cosmetic surgery statistics of how many young people especially young women are voluntarily putting themselves under surgeons’ knife or undergoing painful injections and look whether there is really evidence that point to these days blame which is called “Kardashian-effect” like what have been reported by many celebrity magazines.
Plastic Surgery Statistics Report 2015
After collecting some data statistics and doing an analyze, it is found that 91 percent of women getting cosmetic surgery in 2015. The big question is what kind of plastic surgery procedures are most often taken by female in 2015?
Based on the data of plastic surgery statistics, almost women take plastic surgery procedures Based on the data of plastic surgery statistics, almost women take plastic surgery procedures such as breast augmentation, eyelid surgery, facelift, neck lift, breast reduction, liposuction, rhinoplasty, fat transfer, abdominoplasty, browlift. See the picture below!

Plastic Surgery Statistics 2015
There are many reasons behind women who perform plastic surgery. The picture above shows indicator that a beautiful and perfect looks plays a huge part of the reasons why women tend to choose plastic surgery as a shortcut of their beauty treatment rather than natural ways. And, the concept of this appearance is exactly what is done by many celebrities.
In 2013, a survey of Girl Guides revealed that a third of 11-21 year old girls were unhappy and even dissatisfied with the way they looked. The survey also showed that for those girls who felt insecure with their appearance seriously considered to get some cosmetic surgery procedures to look ‘better.’
One of the examples for celebrity who get plastic surgery in young age is Heidi Montag. She reportedly had some surgical procedures done to boost her looks.

Heidi Montag Plastic Surgery Before and After
Based on the data of ASPS (The American Society Of Plastic Surgeons), 64 percent of young women (under the age of thirty) coming to their clinics in which many of them took facial surgery.
In 2013, some reports also stated that there were nearly 18,000 teenagers, between 13 to 19 years old, had undergone Botox injection. It is indeed a shocking news for us, isn’t it?
Based on the sources that I have read, Kardashian plastic surgery are claimed as one of plastic surgery trend setters. The allegation may be able to be proven by there are so many celebrity websites and magazines wrote about the beauty surgery of Kardashian family members such as Kim Kardashian, Khloe, Kourtney, Kendal Jenner, Kylie Jenner, Kris Jenner, Bruce Jenner who has transformed himself from a man to become a woman called as Caitlyn Marie Jenner.

Kardashian Plastic Surgery
Indeed, there are not any statistics which back up the allegation above, but when we look at celebrities such as Kylie Jenner who reportedly had some procedures of cosmetic surgery done in the age of 18 has encouraged young people to imitate her glamorous lifestyle by emulating the way of her beauty treatments.

Kylie Jenner Plastic Surgery Before and After Photos
Did Celebrity Plastic Surgery Really Encourage Young People?
The answer can be yes. This answer is supported by survey involving plastic surgeons in which 82 percent of surgeons agreed that celebrity cosmetic surgery became a major influence for their patients’ decision to get cosmetic surgery to improve their looks.
According to President of the AAFPRS, Edwin Williams III, celebrity plastic surgery doubtless plays a huge part in young peoples’ descision to get surgical procedures to enhance their appearances.
“The teen and young adult years are a highly impressionable time and the more consumers are inundated with celebrity images via social media, the more they want to replicate the enhanced, re-touched images that are passed off as reality. We are seeing a younger demographic than ever before seeking consultations and treatments with facial plastic surgeons all over the country.”
Are Celebrities Openness About Their Plastic Surgery?
Almost celebrities who are reported having had some plastic surgery procedures denied if their beautiful appearances were obtained through cosmetic surgery. Most of them argue that they maintain their perfect appearances by having healthy lifestyles like tight diet and having a regular exercise.

Celebrity Plastic Surgery
Nonetheless, there are also some celebrities who frankly admitted if they had procedures of plastic surgery done. Let’s take a look at Jocelyn Wildenstein and Farrah Abraham. Both of them admitted that they had been under knife to alter their appearance. But, unluckily their beauty surgeries have different result.
Conclusion, Seeing the plastic surgery statistics and what have been revealed by many plastic surgeons above, it is conlcuded that celebrity plastic surgery has played huge part in young people’s decision to get surgical procedures to enhance their appearance and to boost their self confidence. What about you? Do you think celebrities really encourage young people to get plastic surgery?