Most people particularly celebrities are very realistic and reasonable about their interest in getting procedures of plastic surgery. However some celebrities seems to take things too much and become extreme in their desire to look as beautiful and perfect as possible. Here are some examples of worst plastic surgeries ever.

Worst Celebrity Plastic Surgery Before and After Pictures
Plastic surgery has become a collective obsession with youthful perfection particularly for celebrities. But, the widespread use of this beauty surgery has created a secondary problem for the patients of cosmetic surgery namely a plastic surgery addiction. As a result, we can see at celebrities’ appearance where they look weird and even awful after getting too much plastic surgery procedures done. The followings are the lists of worst celebrity plastic surgery.

Axl Rose Before and After Plastic Surgery
Looking at the dramatic change of Axl Rose’s appearance, some plastic surgeons predicted that he had undergone some procedures of cosmetic surgery like Botox injection, chemical peels, facial fillers, facelift, cheek implants, fat grafting, and possibly a nose job (Rhinoplasty). Sadly, he received too much injectable fillers so that his appearance now looks weird and almost unrecognizable.
Courtney Love Plastic Surgery

Courtney Love Before and After Plastic Surgery
Based on some reports published in several reputable sources, Courtney Love’s appearance becomes weird due to too much plastic surgery procedures such as two or three nose jobs, lips injections, liposuction, and breast augmentation surgery.

Donatella Versace Before and After Plastic Surgery
The procedures of Donatella Versace plastic surgery were reported including face lift, Botox injections, lips injection, rhinoplasty (nose job), and breast implants. Unfortunately, some the surgical procedures were not done well. As a result, her appearance now looks awful.

Janice Dickinson Before and After Plastic Surgery
The reasons of why Janice Dickinson’s now looks weird and awful are due to too much plastic surgery procedures done like breast augmentation, lip augmentation, tummy tuck, cosmetic dentistry and Botox.

Joan Rivers Before and After Plastic Surgery
The number of Joan Rivers plastic surgery procedures were predicted including facelift, a brow lift, cheek lift, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), Botox injections, laser skin, chemical peels, and possibly other procedures.
Lara Flynn Boyle Plastic Surgery

Lara Flynn Boyle Before and After Plastic Surgery
American television and movie actress Lara Flynn Boyle Boyle was reported having too much lips injection and cheek implants. She was also predicted having a overused fillers such as Restylane or Juvederm on her face. Consequently her face now appears swollen and permanently frozen.

Melanie Griffith Before and After Plastic Surgery
According to Plastic surgeon Dr. Anthony Youn, the procedures of Melanie Griffith plastic surgery were including forehead lift, facelift, breast augmentation, liposuction, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), lip augmentation, and Botox injections. Unfortunately, many of the procedures were not done well, so that her lips and cheeks appear plumped to unnatural proportions.

Sharon Osbourne Before and After Plastic Surgery
Meanwhile, Sharon Osbourne plastic surgery procedures were claimed including breast implant (breast removal double mastectomy due to a breast cancer), gastric bypass surgery (stomach stapling), face lift, brow lift, tummy tuck, liposuction, body lift, and other surgical procedures such as neck lift, butt implants, thigh lift (thighplasty), and Botox injection to help keep her face wrinkle-free.
Priscilla Presley Plastic Surgery

Priscilla Presley Before and After Plastic Surgery
The other American actress who was reported having plastic surgery gone wrong is Priscilla Presley. She was reported having too much plastic surgery procedures done suc as chemical peel, Botox injection, brow lift, nose job, cheek implants, and facelift.

Pamela Anderson Before and After Plastic Surgery
Pamela Anderson is claimed as one of icons for breast implants model due to massive breasts size. Besides breast implant, she was also reported having lip augmentation and skin laser to remove the barbed wire tattoo. The only procedure which was overdone was breast implants because her cup size now appear too big and does not match to her body frame.
Bruce Jenner is not only popular for plastic surgery icon, but he is recently rumored to be considering transgender reassignment through plastic surgery.

Bruce Jenner Before and After Plastic Surgery
Well, the procedures of Bruce Jenner plastic surgery were predicted including nose job, cheek implants, chin implant,hair transplant, and several face lift surgeries.
Carrot Top Plastic Surgery

Carrot Top Before and After Plastic Surgery
The other American actor who reportedly had undergone plastic surgery gone wrong is Carrot Top. He was reported receiving too much plastic surgery procedures done like Botox, browlift, laser treatments and chemical peels.

Daryl Hannah Before and After Plastic Surgery
Daryl Hannah who is not only best known as an actress, director, producer but also as a writer, was reported having gone overboard with plastic surgery procedures like lip augmentation, chin implant, and Botox injections. A lot of people see that her appearance does not look as beautiful as when she was young. She now looks weird.
Like Pamela Anderson, Heidi Montag is also popular for breast implant model. After getting breast augmentation surgery, her bra now looks overloaded.

Heidi Montag Before and After Plastic Surgery
Besides breast implants, she was also reported having a rhinoplasty, chin implants, cheek implants, Botox and liposuction. Some sources also claimed that there was possibility for her to get buttocks augmentation. This allegation was based on her butt which increased twice bigger than before.
Jennifer Grey Plastic Surgery

Jennifer Grey Before and After Plastic Surgery
The former star of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off film Jennifer Grey has been reported having a bad nose job (rhinoplasty). Judging by before and after pictures, she was also rumored to have had a facelift and probably use facial filler injections.

Katie Price Before and After Plastic Surgery
An English television personality and glamour model Katie Price has been known for having a breast implants (breast reduction), Botox injections, and possibly use filler injections such as restylane and collagen. Sadly, she got too much this injecetable fillers, so that her appearance now looks a little bit weird.

Lil Kim Before and After Plastic Surgery
The procedures of Lil Kim’s plastic surgery were believed including breast implants, nose jobs, cheek implants, lip injection, Botox, and other fillers injections like Juvederm.

Lisa Rinna Before and After Plastic Surgery
The rumors of Lisa Rinna plastic surgery has indeed been confirmed by the actress. Nonetheless, a lot of people are still wondering about the procedures of her surgery. Based on some reports published in several reputable sources, she admitted that she had a lip augmentation, breast implants, blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), and Botox injection.

Meg Ryan Before and After Plastic Surgery
The former star of When Harry Met Sally… , American romantic comedy film, Meg Ryan was reported to have gotten Gore-Tex implant, cheek implants, Botox, and brow lift or neck lift to fight against sagging and jowling. However, she seemed to go overboard with the filler injection procedure like Botox, so that her forehead has absolutely no creases and an overly-smooth with shiny appearance.

Mickey Rourke Before and After Plastic Surgery
The last but not leas, Mickey Rourke is also reported becoming a victim of bad plastic surgery. His appearance looks a little bit weird after getting some surgical procedures such as facelifts, skin whitening, chin implant, cheek implants, several nose job procedures, and a lower lip implant. He was also rumored to have had a hair transplant to help him fight male baldness patterns.
Conclusion, no matter who you are or how much money you pay for the plastic surgery. If you get too much procedures done, there are big chances for your appearance turning into awful look. The case of worst celebrity plastic surgery above is the example for those people who have undergone too much plastic surgery.
What do you think about the shocking transformation of celebrities mentioned above? Did they look like an addict of plastic surgery? Feel free to share your reviews or opinions in comments box, and do not forget to share it to your friends if you find something interesting in this post!