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Plastic Surgery Procedures

Marilu Henner still looks so beautiful and amazing though her age is already 62 years old. Looking at her unusual appearance, some people predict that she might get some plastic surgery procedures done so it is hard to see her getting older. Her face still looks fresh and flawless as if it is hard to see the aging signs there. She does not have a lot of changes between she was young with she is in 62 years old.

Marilu Henner Plastic Surgery Before and After

Marilu Henner Plastic Surgery Before and After

Did Marilu Henner Get Plastic Surgery?

Since she looks so wonderful and attractive in her 62 year-old-age, Marilu Henner Plastic Surgery rumor has become the most talked by many people. They wonder how she can keep her gorgeous look though her age is no longer young. Some of them do believe if the actress could have got some cosmetic surgery procedures. Well, if Marilu Henner really got some works done, the big question is what typical surgery procedures did she get?

Marilu Henner Facelift

The first spotlighted area that leads to plastic surgery allegation is on her face skin which looks so tight and toned. Judging by before and after pictures, Marilu apparently got facelift surgery. It is almost impossible for other women in her age to have such tight and toned face skin if they do not have some plastic surgery procedures done.

Marilu Henner Before and After Plastic Surgery

Marilu Henner Before and After Plastic Surgery

Facelift surgery itself is aimed to help the patients to maintain the skin tightness and to eliminate the excessive skin by pulling out the saggy the skin, so the face skin look flawless and tight. Facelift also helps to remove the crease, wrinkles, and skin fold on face. Looking at Henner’s face skin, she likely has got much benefits from her plastic surgery face.

Marilu Henner Plastic Surgery: Botox Injection

There are many celebrities, like Leslie Charleson and Ann Margret, got Botox injection to complete her facelift surgery. It is not impossible for the actress, Marilu Henner, to get Botox injections. This allegation can be proven from her face skin which looks so smooth, fresh, and tight. The aging signs are almost invisible on her face. Let’s take a look at her forehead. It looks so high and bit elevated. It more strengthens the speculation that she could have injectable filler injected into her glabela area. Botox also helps to abolish crow’s feet lines as well as laugh lines.

Over all, Marilu Henner Plastic Surgery may give her youthful appearance, but it has to be noted that plastic surgery result will not last long if the patients, as well as for the former star of sitcom Taxi, do not go to plastic surgeon clinic regularly.

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Looking good and attractive in 83-years-old age is not only women’s dream, but men also have the same expectation for having gorgeous look in that age. William Shatner, 83 years old, has reportedly got some plastic surgery procedures to keep his youthful and cool appearance. However the actor strongly denied if he has been under knife to maintain his appearance. He ensured that healthy lifestyle and regular exercise are the main key to fight against aging signs.

William Shatner Plastic Surgery Before and After

William Shatner Plastic Surgery Before and After

Did William Shatner Have Plastic Surgery?

Plastic surgery seems to be the most preferred way for keeping celebrities, actors and actresses, wonderful appearance. There are many celebrities have reportedly got some cosmetic surgery procedures to keep their attractive appearance in their old age. The latest news reports that William Shatner has been under knife to keep his cool appearance. However this allegation is strongly denied by the actor. He proffered to have healthy lifestyle for keeping his youthful appearance. Did he tell the truth? No body knows.

Well, judging by before and after photos, this actor’s appearance indeed looks so wonderful. His face does not show a lot of aging signs. There is a few aging sign that can be seen on his appearance. So, what kind of surgical procedures did he have if he has really been under knife? Here are some possible cosmetic surgery procedures that he has got.

William Shatner Before and After Plastic Surgery

William Shatner Before and After Plastic Surgery

William Shatner Facelift

By looking at his recent appearance, some of us may said that William Shatner gets benefit from the surgery. He still looks fresh though his age is no longer young. This unusual appearance may be as the result of good facelift. Commonly 80-year-old-men’s face will show some wrinkles and crow’s feet lines on their forehead skin. But what we see on his appearance, It still looks fresh and tight.

According to some plastic surgeons, William Shatner definitely got facelift to prevent his face from saggy or pulled down. The facelift really helps him to remove hard folds from his face. Yet it is also makes his facial skin very tight and toned too. It is impossible for you to see the crease or fold that appeared on his face.

William Shatner Plastic Surgery: Botox Injection

The other plastic surgery procedure that is likely owned by the actor is Botox injection. This injectable filler is aimed to complete his previous surgery procedures, facelift, and to remove the crows feet lines and other aging signs so that it gives him fresh and younger appearance with very toned and bit elevated face skin.

In short, Although the former of Star Trek actor has strongly denied that he has got plastic surgery procedures, but before and after pictures comparison have shown plastic surgery facts. Nevertheless we are really amazed by William Shatner plastic surgery results. Most of his surgical procedures were well done, so that he can still look natural. It is almost different for Bruce Jenner and Wayne Newton. Both of those men reportedly look unnatural and even weird after being under knife. Some people think that both of those actors have got plastic surgery gone wrong.

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Shin Se Kyung Plastic Surgery seems to be one of the most talked among Asian celebrity viewers. She reportedly got some cosmetic surgery procedures to improve her appearance and to boost her confidence. However some people are still wondering what kind of surgical procedures that she had got. Some people predict that she did not only have one surgery procedures, but she might get more.

Shin Se Kyung Plastic Surgery Pictures

Shin Se Kyung Plastic Surgery Pictures

Did Shin Se Kyung Have Plastic Surgery?

Shin Se Kyung Plastic Surgery rumor becomes the hottest topic of discussion since some people found something strange on her appearance. They predict that it is like a scar or the sign of plastic surgery.

This actress who is best known for her role in Hindsight and Deep Rooted Tree is accused for having eyelid surgery and cheek implant. It is like many other Korean actresses such as Jang Geun Suk and Lee Hyori who denied all their surgery procedures from their fans, as well as Shin Se Kyung. She denied all plastic surgery allegations addressed to her. She ensured that she would not take any cosmetic surgery procedures because they were too scary. Her agency, Namoo Actors, also refute the speculation. Though both denied the plastic surgery, but public believe that her beauty looks unnatural because her appearance is almost different than she used to. Here are the possible plastic surgery procedures that she got.

Shin Se Kyung Plastic Surgery Before and After

Shin Se Kyung Plastic Surgery Before and After

Shin Se Kyung Plastic Surgery: Eyelid Surgery

The most spotlighted area that was predicted as the result of surgery procedure, double eyelid surgery, is on her eyes. Some people found that between her previous eyes with the recent ones look much different. Her previous eyes look small and cramped like any other Mongolian races, but the recent one looks a bit wide opened and appear fresh.

Shin Se Kyung Plastic Surgery: Cheek Implant

The other cosmetic surgery procedure that was noticeable on her appearance is on her cheek. Judging by before and after photos, her cheek has changed into fuller and tight. So her appearance now looks more mature than she used to. Looking at such cheek appearance makes some people believe if the actress might get cheek implants to improve her cheek appearance.

Shin Se Kyung plastic surgery may have shocked everyone. But the actress of High Kick Through the Roof insists that she did not get any cosmetic surgery procedures because it is frightening surgery for her. But nobody knows about the truth behind her perfect appearance?

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Leslie Charleson plastic surgery seems to be the hottest topic of discussion among celebrity viewers in various forums, online and digital printing media. She reportedly got some plastic surgery procedures to fight against the aging signs.

Leslie Charleson’s age is already 69 years old. She is almost 70 and she realizes that growing older will make her feel insecure. It is reasonable because she makes a life in entertainment industry in which beautiful and attractive appearance is the most important assets that she has to keep.

Leslie Charleson Plastic Surgery Before and After

Leslie Charleson Plastic Surgery Before and After

Did Leslie Charleson Have Plastic Surgery?

Getting older with beautiful and fresh appearance is every woman dream, as well as Leslie Charleson. However in order to age gracefully with stunning appearance needs a lot of sacrifice such as money and time. Nevertheless not all plastic surgery can end well. Some celebrities reportedly look weird even horrible after getting under plastic surgeon’s knife. Let’s take a look how Joan Van Ark and Lisa Rinna appear after getting cosmetic surgery procedures. Both of them look weird and unnatural in stead of getting more beautiful.

Leslie Charleson apparently followed her celebrities mate to take some surgical procedures to keep her youthful appearance. Although the actress herself has never stated that she has got plastic surgery, but some people notice if she has some unusual appearances on her. She may still look beautiful and young, but she lost her natural beauty. Well, if she really took some surgery procedures, what kind of cosmetic surgery procedures that she had got.

Leslie Charleson Plastic Surgery: Facelift

The first allegation is on her face skin which looks so tight and toned as if it is hard to find wrinkles or crow’s feet line there. Looking at her face skin, some people predict that the senior actress might get facelift. Generally 69 years old women will have some aging signs on their face, but what we see on Leslie’s face, it still looks flawless.

Leslie Charleson Before and After Plastic Surgery

Leslie Charleson Before and After Plastic Surgery

Leslie Charleson Plastic Surgery: Botox Injection

In order to complete her facelift, She reportedly got Botox injection to make her face skin look perfect, smooth, and fresh. Taking facelift and Botox in the same time will make the face look frozen.

Leslie Charleson might get them in the same time so that her face looks a bit weird. She indeed has got youthful and smooth face, but it has to be noted that her face does not have laugh lines as if its skin appears quite elastic.

In short, Nevertheless the former star of General Hospital drama series a bit went overboard with plastic surgery procedures, the actress is aware with the bad result. Therefore she tries to stop her addiction to it.

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Jang Geun Suk Plastic Surgery is lately being the most talked subject of discussion among his fans. He reportedly got some plastic surgery procedures to improve his appearance and to boost his confidence. His plastic surgery rumor begin spreading out widely since some people found him with different and unusual appearance. He looks more handsome and attractive than he used to. Even he looks like a manga charter with big wide eyes and porcelain skin that jumped to real life. Though the plastic surgery is not something new anymore for South Korean celebrities, but it still becomes interesting topics to discuss the celebrities who reportedly got plastic surgery. Moreover an attractive appearance is the most important assets for entertainers as well as for Jang Geun Suk.

Jang Geun Suk Plastic Surgery Before and After

Jang Geun Suk Plastic Surgery Before and After

Did Jang Geun Suk Have Plastic Surgery?

In his 27 years old Jang Geun Suk still looks as attractive as he was seventeen. The actor who got the fame through You’re Beautiful drama in 2009,reportedly got some cosmetic surgery procedures to improve his appearance. Even though he has been rumored to have been under knife, but there have no been any statements from the actor regarding to the spreading rumor. Nevertheless some people do believe if the actor has got some beauty enhancements for his attractive appearance. What are they?

Jang Geun Suk Plastic Surgery: Nose Job

The first plastic surgery sign that can be noticed from his appearance is on his nose shape which looks much better defined than he used to. Some people who see the change on his nose directly speculate if Jang Geun Suk has got nose job to refine his a bit bulbous nose shape with less sharp at the tip. As result, the nasal cartilage looks cramped and narrowed this day. So that is why his nasal tip looks more pointed and enhanced right now. Looking at his nose appearance, some believed that plastic surgeon also removed bit the nasal bone so the nasal area getting reshaped too.

Jang Geun Suk Before and After Plastic Surgery

Jang Geun Suk Before and After Plastic Surgery

Jang Geun Suk Plastic Surgery: Eyelid Surgery

The other spot that leads many plastic surgery speculation is on his eyes that look a bit wide opened. It is very contradiction to most of South Korean people’s eyes. Blepharoplasty surgery has successfully given him a fresh eyes impression. Jang Geun Suk’s eyes now looks more wide opened and fresher than before.

Well, Jang Geun Suk is not the only entertainer from Korean who reportedly got cosmetic surgery, but there are many other South Korean celebrities who were also reported to have some works done for their appearance. They are Lee Hyori and Yoon Eun Hye. All of them apparently have got some benefits from their surgery procedures.

Over all, Even though he has been rumored to have some plastic surgery procedures done on his face, but there have no been any official statements from the star of Mary Stayed Out All Night comedy series. Both of the actor and his management still keeps the secret. Nevertheless people do believe if his wonderful appearance was the result of plastic surgery.

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Jeanine Pirro plastic surgery is lately being a hot topic of discussion among celebrity viewers. She reportedly got some cosmetic surgery procedures to improve her old appearance. Some of you may know her as a former of prosecutor and judge, but not a few people may know her as a legal analyst and television entertainer. As she often appears on television, people often see her and so of course will notice something unusual on her appearance.

Looking at her current appearance on one of television chanel makes some people wonder if this political commentator has got plastic surgery procedures to enhance her appearance. However this rumor truth is still debatable because the actress herself has not given any statements regarding to the rumor.

Jeanine Pirro Plastic Surgery Before and After

Jeanine Pirro Plastic Surgery Before and After

Did Jeanine Pirro Have Plastic Surgery?

Jeanine previously might not too care to her appearance, but since she often appears on television, she is demanded to always look attractive. Therefore, in order to fulfill that demands, she decided to get some beauty enhancements through plastic surgery even though she herself never give statements dealing with the rumor. Well, if she really has been under knife, what kind of surgical procedures that she might get.

Jeanine Pirro Facelift

The most common plastic surgery procedure, that is usually taken by an old woman as well as Jeanine Pirro, is facelift. She reportedly got plastic surgery face since her face skin looks so tight though her age is no longer young. She apparently realized that her skin is getting shaggy and she has to fight the aging signs in order to always look as attractive as possible. Therefore she preferred to take the short way in stead of natural and healthy way to keep her youthful appearance.

Jeanine Pirro Before and After Plastic Surgery

Jeanine Pirro Before and After Plastic Surgery

Jeanine Pirro Plastic Surgery: Botox Injection

In order to complete her facelift surgery, she decided to get additional surgery procedures, Botox injection. This filler injection successfully made her face skin look so smooth and flawless as if it is hard to find and see any wrinkles or other aging signs on her face.

Jeanine Pirro is not the only one who reportedly got plastic surgery to keep her youthful appearance. There are many actresses who were also reported to have some cosmetic surgery procedures to enhance and keep their youthful appearance. They are Barbara Eden and Barbara Hershey. Both of them look younger than other women in her age. They apparently got some benefits from their plastic surgery.

In short, Jeanine Pirro plastic surgery rumor may always float since the actress has not given any statements dealing with the rumor. Nevertheless before and after pictures have shown the facts if the former of television personality for Judge Jeanine Pirro program has indeed got plastic surgery procedures done on her appearance.

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Elsa Pataky, 38 years old, indeed looks perfect. She does not seem to have some aging signs on her face, it still looks flawless. Looking at her stunning appearance, then compared to other women in her age makes some people wonder how she can keep her beauty though her age is no longer young. Some people predict that the actress has got plastic surgery to maintain her youthful and fresh look. However the truth of this rumor is still debatable because the actress has not released any official statements regarding to the rumor.

Elsa Pataky Plastic Surgery Before and After

Elsa Pataky Plastic Surgery Before and After

Did Elsa Pataky Have Plastic Surgery?

Judging by before and after picture, it seems that there is slightly changing on her appearance. Therefore many people doubted if Elsa Pataky’s appearance is natural. They think that her appearance is the product of plastic surgery. Well, if she was really under knife, what kind of surgery procedures did she get?

Elsa Pataky Nose Job

The first spot that was suspected as the result of cosmetic surgery is on her nose shape. Some predict that Elsa might get nose job to reshape or refine her nose shape. As we know that her nose shape previously looked piggy with so wide and big especially at the cartilage area. But it now has changed to be much better than before. Pataky’s nose now looks thinner with more pointed at the tip. Overall, Elsa Pataky’s nose looks well reshaped nd defined. The nasal cartilage getting cramped with pointer and higher nasal tip too.

Elsa Pataky Nose Job Before and After

Elsa Pataky Nose Job Before and After

Elsa Pataky Plastic Surgery: Liposuction

The other spot that leads many people suspension is on her stomach, arms, and thigh area. All of the parts of her body look slimmer than before. Moreover she has just been blessed with three cute children. It makes some people more believe if she indeed has been under knife for liposuction to eliminate the excessive fat there. Moreover she has just given born to the third child in which some women will need long time to bring back their ideal weight. But what we see on her appearance, she looks slimmer in very short time. Therefore many people believe if Elsa Pataky plastic surgery rumor is in fact true.

In short, the star of Fast & Furious 6 may keep her cosmetic surgery procedures, but before and after pictures have shown plastic surgery procedures done on her appearance. Nevertheless we really appreciate it because she can still look awesome though she has been under knife. It is almost different to what has been experienced by Delta Burke and Maria Shriver. Both of them reportedly got unnatural appearance after getting plastic surgery procedures done on their appearance.

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Plastic surgery does not seem to be always dominated by Hollywood actresses, but other worldwide celebrities have tried their lucky in getting some cosmetic surgery procedures to enhance their appearance, as well as North Korea actress, Lee Hyori. She reportedly got some works done for her current appearance. Lee Hyori plastic surgery rumor is firstly spreading out widely since some people found her with so fantastic appearance whereas her age is no longer young. Moreover there are so many before and after photos uploaded on internet that more strengthen the rumor.

Lee Hyori Plastic Surgery Before and After

Lee Hyori Plastic Surgery Before and After

Did Lee Hyori Have Plastic Surgery?

The changing of someone appearance is a common thing. But it will be different case if it happens in unnatural way and instantly as it was experienced by Korean idol, Lee Hyori. She reportedly has been under knife for some changes on her appearance especially on her nose area and breast size. Both of those parts of body have been much well defined than she used to. Looking at her drastic appearance change makes some people do believe if she has indeed got plastic surgery procedures. The big question is what kind of surgery procedures that she has got. Let’s see one by one.

Lee Hyori Plastic Surgery: Nose job

The first cosmetic surgery allegation is spotted on her nose shape. It now looks sharper and more pointed than before. Based on unnatural change on her nose, some people predict that Hyori might get nose job so that her nose looks much well defined today. It has to be noted that Lee Hyori’s nose previously looks bulbous and less sharp with wide cartilage. But after getting rhinoplasty surgery, her nose looks better.

Lee Hyori Breast Implants Before and After

Lee Hyori Breast Implants Before and After

Lee Hyori Breast Implant (Breast Augmentation)

The other surgery procedures that Lee Hyori might get is breast implants. This allegation is based on her new cup size which looks bigger and fuller than before. It has to be remembered that she used to has very small and flatted cup size. It left so many spaces on her chest. But today Lee Hyori has been transformed to a charming woman with protruding chest area. Her breast looks a little bigger, rounder, and tougher shape.

Even though Lee Hyori Plastic Surgery rumor has been spreading out widely and become public consumption, there have no been any clarifications and comments from the former of Fin.K.L member. She just stays mum with the rumor. Nevertheless before and after photos comparison have showed that she indeed has got some plastic surgery procedures done on her nose and bust area.

In short, Lee Hyori is not the only Korean celebrities who were reported to have plastic surgery. There are many actresses and actors from Korea reportedly have some works done too to enhance their appearance. They are Yoon Eun Hye, Park Bom, and many others.

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Dana Delany, who got her fame thorough her role as Colleen McMurphy in the ABC television show China Beach, may look good today, but whenever she is questioned dealing with her beauty secret, she always hides the secret. It makes some people wonder if the actress has got plastic surgery for her attractive appearance though her age is no longer young, 58 years old.

Dana Delany Plastic Surgery Before and After

Dana Delany Plastic Surgery Before and After

Did Dana Delany Have Plastic Surgery?

Plastic surgery and entertainer are both of two things that can not be separated each other. It is based on so many actresses whose age has reached more than 50 years old reportedly got some cosmetic surgery procedures to maintain their youthful appearance, as well as Dana Delany. She seems belong to the celebrity whose wrinkles paranoia. She may be afraid of looking old. So that’s why she decided to get some beauty enhancements to keep her beautiful and charming appearance. The big question is what typical surgery procedures that she had got.

Judging by before and after photos, the former of Sweet Surrender star has indeed some unusual appearance than other women in her age especially on her face features. Let’s see what kind of surgical procedures that she had got.

Dana Delany Plastic Surgery Before After

Dana Delany Plastic Surgery Before After

Dana Delany Plastic Surgery: Botox Injection

Based on before and after pictures supported with some plastic surgeons’ review, the actress has possibly got facial filler injection like Botox. It is almost impossible for 58-year-old-women to have such youthful appearance if they do not have some works done on their face, as well as Dana Delany.

As we know that Botox is kind of cosmetic surgery procedures that may help Dana Delany to always look young. Nevertheless she still looks so great for her age, her face looks so frozen so that her appearance looks unnatural. She seems unable to move her forehead as if it is hard for her to create an expression on her face. Botox also makes her face looks a bit swollen. Botox is indeed useful for quickly and easily rejuvenating facial skin (instant rejuvenation). But unfortunately Dana Delany seems too obsessed with Botox, as result it has made her face looks unnatural.

Dana Delany herself admitted that she has been under knife for regular Botox injection. The former star of Light Sleeper also said that she is really regretting her Botox decisions since it does not give her natural appearance.

In short, Nevertheless she does look a bit unnatural, but over all what she had done for her appearance has made her look younger than other women in her age. We could not say that she got successful plastic surgery, but we really appreciate that she is too brave to admit all her cosmetic surgery procedures. Not all actresses in Hollywood are brave to admit their surgical procedures, let’s take a look how Raquel Welch keeps her beautiful appearance.

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Being an actress with pretty and perfect appearance sounds pleasing, but unfortunately not all people can accept it. Some will speculate if a certain actress with amazing appearance has got some plastic surgery procedures, as well as Keira Knightley. She is an actress who rose to prominence when portraying Frankie in 2001 psychological horror film, The Hole. Her name is lately being a subject of discussion among celebrity viewers and her fans. She reportedly got some works done to improve her appearance. It was supported by spreading before before and after picture on internet.

Keira Knightley Plastic Surgery Before and After

Keira Knightley Plastic Surgery Before and After

Did Keira Knightley Have Plastic Surgery?

Nevertheless she has been accused of having plastic surgery, but Keira never admitted if her amazing and attractive appearance was the product of plastic surgery procedures. Some people may more wonder because in other hand she also is never against plastic surgery, and even consider to get those surgical procedures in the future. For her, plastic surgery is personal matter and every women has their own rights to conduct it. Though Keira has strongly denied if she has never been under knife for the time being, but media journalist wrote Keira Knightley may has some works done to enhance her appearance. what are they?

Keira Knightley Plastic Surgery: Nose job

Many say that Knightley’s nose shape has changed to be much well defined than she used to. Looking at her current nose, some people speculate if the actress has got nose job to reshape or refine her old nose shape which looks bulbous, wide, and big. At first she might get satisfied with the result, but as the time passed, her nose now looks so pinched while the nasal tip getting smaller. As if she got difficulty to breath.

Keira Knightley Plastic Surgery: Lip injection

The other possible plastic surgery procedures that she might get is lips filler injection. Look at her current lips and then compare with the old one. It is very obviously visible if her lips has become fuller and more plumped than before. Since she appeared with new lips, some people do believe if the actress does not only get a rhinoplasty surgery, but she also likely got lips enhancement. if we look at her new lips, it seems to be injected with collagen or the restylane. As result her lip that looks so thin in the past, now getting fuller and plumped with larger look.

Keira Knightley Breast Implants

Keira Knightley Breast Implants

Keira Knightley Plastic Surgery: Breast implant

Keira Knightley is also rumored to have got breast implant beyond nose job and lips filler injection. Her new cup size now looks bigger and fuller than before. It has to be noted that she previously had a bit little breast size, but when she was coming in certain event, she appeared with bigger and fuller bust appearance. For those who look Keira Knightley’s new cup size will speculate if the actress indeed has been under knife for breast implants, as it was done by Angelina Jolie.

In short, it is not doubted anymore if actress Keira Knightley is really beautiful and gorgeous, but it seems to be useless if her amazing appearance was the product of plastic surgery because with or without plastic surgery the former Bend It Like Beckham star has been a beautiful woman. However, it has to be noted that plastic surgery is everyone right, so we can not judge it.

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