Jang Geun Suk Plastic Surgery Before and After Pictures

Jang Geun Suk Plastic Surgery is lately being the most talked subject of discussion among his fans. He reportedly got some plastic surgery procedures to improve his appearance and to boost his confidence. His plastic surgery rumor begin spreading out widely since some people found him with different and unusual appearance. He looks more handsome and attractive than he used to. Even he looks like a manga charter with big wide eyes and porcelain skin that jumped to real life. Though the plastic surgery is not something new anymore for South Korean celebrities, but it still becomes interesting topics to discuss the celebrities who reportedly got plastic surgery. Moreover an attractive appearance is the most important assets for entertainers as well as for Jang Geun Suk.

Jang Geun Suk Plastic Surgery Before and After

Jang Geun Suk Plastic Surgery Before and After

Did Jang Geun Suk Have Plastic Surgery?

In his 27 years old Jang Geun Suk still looks as attractive as he was seventeen. The actor who got the fame through You’re Beautiful drama in 2009,reportedly got some cosmetic surgery procedures to improve his appearance. Even though he has been rumored to have been under knife, but there have no been any statements from the actor regarding to the spreading rumor. Nevertheless some people do believe if the actor has got some beauty enhancements for his attractive appearance. What are they?

Jang Geun Suk Plastic Surgery: Nose Job

The first plastic surgery sign that can be noticed from his appearance is on his nose shape which looks much better defined than he used to. Some people who see the change on his nose directly speculate if Jang Geun Suk has got nose job to refine his a bit bulbous nose shape with less sharp at the tip. As result, the nasal cartilage looks cramped and narrowed this day. So that is why his nasal tip looks more pointed and enhanced right now. Looking at his nose appearance, some believed that plastic surgeon also removed bit the nasal bone so the nasal area getting reshaped too.

Jang Geun Suk Before and After Plastic Surgery

Jang Geun Suk Before and After Plastic Surgery

Jang Geun Suk Plastic Surgery: Eyelid Surgery

The other spot that leads many plastic surgery speculation is on his eyes that look a bit wide opened. It is very contradiction to most of South Korean people’s eyes. Blepharoplasty surgery has successfully given him a fresh eyes impression. Jang Geun Suk’s eyes now looks more wide opened and fresher than before.

Well, Jang Geun Suk is not the only entertainer from Korean who reportedly got cosmetic surgery, but there are many other South Korean celebrities who were also reported to have some works done for their appearance. They are Lee Hyori and Yoon Eun Hye. All of them apparently have got some benefits from their surgery procedures.

Over all, Even though he has been rumored to have some plastic surgery procedures done on his face, but there have no been any official statements from the star of Mary Stayed Out All Night comedy series. Both of the actor and his management still keeps the secret. Nevertheless people do believe if his wonderful appearance was the result of plastic surgery.

  • selasi fianya

    I dont believe it . Even if it were to be true its none of peoples business .they are jealous.Jang geun suk dont mind them.

  • Jack

    Even if it’s true, if those surgeries boosted his self confidence and it made him look better, then who cares? he has the money after all and his face is his investment in show business. However, his appearance looks the same to me and I don’t care if he did anyway, after all, he is still my NO.1 Korean actor =). Fighting Asia’s Prince ! Saranghae! <3

  • Dont mind wat others say about u.I think u r the BEST actor of mine

  • sri

    I don’t care about the rumours about
    him since he is looking great as usual. Though he had a surgery or not he is my no.1 korean actor. Sarangeyo oppa………

  • annamarie

    i think he never gone into any plastic surgery he just got matured thats why…………

  • Afubera jennifer

    Dnt mind them oppa they are only jealous that u more handsome now Saranghea

  • Hi..i am from tamil nadu..i am big fan of u …really u r my super star.i love u lot…plz telecast ur shows in tamil channels.lov u lot….

  • Adetoro Mariam

    I believe in you

  • Donna Mae

    i compare his photos before and now, but i didn’t saw any difference in the nose and the eyes, the only thing i notice that he is more matured and handsome now because he already ware some make up..but it’s still the same as before..

  • Norah

    Gosh… people are so annoying sometimes. It’s obviously he hasn’t done plastic surgery. I guess he’s just matured. Esp that nose surgery. Well I think his nose was always fabulous 😀

  • Palak

    I love u

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