Stephanie Powers Plastic Surgery Before and After

Stephanie Powers’ actress career began since the 1960s, but her appearance does not change a lot. She still looks as attractive as she was young though her age is almost 72 years old. For that reason, many plastic surgeons predict that she might have got some cosmetic surgery procedures done to keep her ageless appearance. Is the rumor of Stephanie Powers plastic surgery true?

Stephanie Powers Before and After Photos

Stephanie Powers Before and After Photos

Stephanie Powers Plastic Surgery: Before and After Photos

Working so long in film industry, Stephanie Powers must have been staring many films and getting a lot of awards for her acting. However, her name is now being talked lately by some celebrity watchers due to her flawless appearance.

Stephanie may not be as popular as she was young, but her youthful appearance still becomes the interesting topic to be talked. There are many people wonder how she can manage her appearance at her 72-year-old age if she does not have any aids from a plastic surgeon.

Stephanie Powers Before and After Plastic Surgery

Stephanie Powers Before and After Plastic Surgery

Judging by Stephanie Powers before and after pictures, some plastic surgery experts predict that she possibly got some surgery procedures including facelift, necklift, and browlift as it was revealed by Dr Sherrell J Aston. The surgeon says” the 1960’s star seems to have got facelift, browlift, and possibly neck lift. But unfortunately, her appearance looks asymmetrical and considerably taut after getting those surgical procedures done. I expect her frozen and swollen face can come down so that she can appear more relaxed.”

Stephanie Powers Plastic Surgery Before and After

Stephanie Powers Plastic Surgery Before and After

However, the other surgeons claim that Stephanie may only have some facial filler injection to boost the previous cosmetic surgery procedures such as rhinoplasty surgery and Botox injection. She took nose job to narrow the tip of her nose while the use of Botox is aimed to keep her facial skin smooth.

According to a plastic surgeon based in Beverly Hills, Dr. Paul S. Nassif, Stephanie probably only had nose job. It can be seen from the tip of her nose now looks a bit less round than before. Besides nose surgery, the doctor also revealed that the 1960’s star may get filler and Botox injection as well to maintain the browlift surgery. Overall, Stephanie Powers plastic surgery is well done, so that her appearance still looks great though her age is no longer young.

Stephanie Powers Facelift Before and After

Stephanie Powers Facelift Before and After

On the other hand, Dr. David Shafer, Board certified Manhattan plastic surgeon, added that in some photos, Stephanie looks like to have facelift. The surgeon showed the sign of Stephanie Powers facelift by pointing the upward slanting neck creases. He also explained that taking facelift surgery would not enough if it was not supported with the use of facial filler injection like Botox to smoothen the face skin. Looking at Stephanie’s face skin, the surgeon believed if she could have Botox injection to reduce the wrinkles around her face especially on eyes and forehead area.

In short, all of plastic surgeons who analyze Stephanie’s appearance agree if Stephanie Powers plastic surgery is well done. As result, her appearance still looks wonderful and great for a 72-year-old woman.

  • Victor

    ‘some plastic surgery experts predict that she possibly got some surgery procedures including facelift,’. You predict something in the future, not the past. I betcha you’re a Trump supporter.

  • Victor

    “the 1960’s star seems to have got (correction..GOTTEN A) facelift, browlift

  • Day

    Why can’t writers do research and learn how to spell her name? Too many idiot writers can’t do their damn job! IDIOTS


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