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Kate Beckinsale

Kate Beckinsale plastic surgery lately becomes a hot topic of discussion among the fans and some celebrity watchers. It is all due to her unnatural appearance at her 41-year-old age. Some people notice that her appearance looks younger by the day. They predict that she must have some cosmetic surgery procedures done, so that her appearance always looks ageless in every moment.

Even though there have been many people are talking about Kate Beckinsale plastic surgery rumors, but not all of them know what type of her surgery procedures. Therefore, we are here bringing some plastic surgery facts she had. However, it has to be noted that our review is based on before and after photos.

Kate Beckinsale Plastic Surgery Before and After Photos

Kate Beckinsale Plastic Surgery Before and After

Kate Beckinsale Plastic Surgery Before and After

Having ageless appearance seems to be a dream for every actress in Hollywood and even for worldwide celebrities. As we know that attractive appearance is one of the most important assets that they have to maintain. And, one of preferred ways to keep the youthful look is via plastic surgery.

Judging by before and after, Kate Beckinsale indeed still looks younger than other women in her age. He face does not show a lot of aging signs, but it all still looks smooth and fresh. It indicates that Kate’s ageless appearance is as the effect of facial filler injection like Botox.

Commonly, 41-year-old women will have some wrinkles and other sagging skin on their face, but what we see on Beckinsale’s face, the wrinkles and sagging skin are almost absent on her face.

The other plastic surgery sign that we can see on her appearance is that her lips now look fuller than before. It indicates that she did not only have Botox injection, but she seemed to have lips filler injection as well.

According to Dr. John Di Saia, it is not deniable anymore if Kate Beckinsale has really been under knife for lips augmentation. The surgeon notices that the shape of her new lips appear to be fuller and sexier than she used to.

Kate Beckinsale Nose Job Before and After

Kate Beckinsale Nose Job Before and After

Another fact of Kate Beckinsale plastic surgery can be seen from the shape of her nose which looks a bit different and nicer than before indicating that she could have nose job as well, so that the shape of Kate Beckinsale now looks more defined and flawless.

Besides Botox injection, lips augmentation, and a rhinoplasty surgery, 41-year-old actress has apparently got veneer as well. The allegation can be seen from her teeth which look whiter than before. However, the truth of this beauty surgery rumor is still debatable among plastic surgeons.

Kate Beckinsale breast implant Before and After

Kate Beckinsale breast implant Before and After

Last but not least, she also reportedly got breast implant and breast reduction. According to Dr. John Di Saia, Kate Beckinsale breast size fluctuates. She previously appeared with big cup size, but not long after, he appeared with a small cup size. Looking at her fluctuating breast size, Dr. Di Saia predicts that she firstly got breast augmentation which made her cup size looks bigger. Shortly after, she removed the implants from her chest so that her bust size turned into a normal size.

In short, whatever Kate Beckinsale had done for her beauty enhancements, she does not go to overboard with her plastic surgery procedures. All of the procedures of Kate Beckinsale plastic surgery have been done well and perfectly, so that her appearance can still look natural as if she does not have any surgery procedures done.

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