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Rick Springfield

Recently, public is being shocked by Rick Springfield’s confession about plastic surgery. Yeah, he frankly told that he had got some cosmetic surgery procedures done to keep his youthful appearance. Nonetheless, he did not tell in detail what type of plastic surgery procedures he had got, therefore a lot of people are still wondering about Rick Springfield plastic surgery procedures.

Rick Springfield Facelift Before and After

Rick Springfield Facelift Before and After

Based on some sources, Rick Springfield plastic surgery was carried out when he was 24 years old. He firstly felt happy with the result, but as the time passes, he regretted being under knife because his appearance does not look naturally young.

According to many plastic surgeons’ reviews, Rick Springfield plastic surgery includes facelift combined with facial filler injection like Botox. The sign of Rick Springfield facelift surgery and Botox injection can be seen on his face skin which looks tight and smooth as if it is hard to see the aging signs on his face.

Rick Springfield Before and After Plastic Surgery

Rick Springfield Before and After Plastic Surgery

Born on August 23, 1949, Rick Springfield’s face does look tight and smooth whereas his age is almost 65 years old. Commonly, 60-year-old men’s face will show some wrinkles and sagging skin as the natural process of aging. But, what we see on Springfield’s appearance, he still looks ten years younger than his actual age.

Rick Springfield Plastic Surgery Before and After

Rick Springfield Plastic Surgery Before and After

As we know that Botox injection is one of cosmetic surgery procedures which almost 50-year-old Hollywood celebrities have. The use of facial filler injection for middle age people will help them to reduce even to eliminate the visible aging signs, so that their face will appear smooth and fresh.

There are many speculations regarding to the result of Rick Springfield plastic surgery. Some people consider that facial filler injection does not work well on his face, so that his face now appears spoilt, unnatural, and a little bit frozen. Nevertheless, not all people think that he looks weird after getting plastic surgery, but they think that Rick’s appearance is still natural with no excessive filler injection.

Rick Springfield Facial Filler Injection

Rick Springfield Facial Filler Injection

Although most people consider that Rick Springfield plastic surgery almost ruin his appearance, but he at least can learn from his plastic surgery experience. So that he will think twice to get additional surgery procedures.

Plastic surgery does become popular trend among celebrities. It can be proven by so many celebrities, actors and actresses, who reportedly got beauty enhancements via plastic surgery.

Rick Springfield plastic surgery is just a small example for celebrity plastic surgery which does not work well. Out there, there are still many male celebrities who reportedly got the same experience like what is experienced by Rick Springfield. Let’s take look how Bruce Jenner looks after getting some cosmetic surgery procedures done on his face, his appearance looks swollen and frozen.

What do you think of Rick Springfield’s appearance after having some works done? Does he really look bad? Feel free to share your comments with us.

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